
The Allstate Corporation is an American insurance company that is in the United States. The company also has personal lines insurance operations in Canada.



In [1]:
import time

time_start_notebook = time.time()
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns

from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina''ggplot') 

# random state

[(x.__name__,x.__version__) for x in [np,pd,sns]]
/Users/poudel/miniconda3/envs/dataSc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
  import pandas.util.testing as tm
[('numpy', '1.18.1'), ('pandas', '1.0.1'), ('seaborn', '0.9.0')]
In [3]:
from scipy.special import boxcox1p
In [4]:
import scipy
import sklearn

print([(x.__name__,x.__version__) for x in [scipy, sklearn]])
[('scipy', '1.4.1'), ('sklearn', '0.21.3')]
In [5]:
# scale and split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
In [6]:
# regressors
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.linear_model import ElasticNet
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
In [7]:
# pipeline
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
In [8]:
# metrics
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error
In [9]:
# cross validation
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
In [10]:
# classifier
import xgboost as xgb
In [11]:
# six and pickle
import six
import pickle
import joblib
In [12]:
%load_ext autoreload
In [13]:
%autoreload 2
In [14]:
# my personal library
from bhishan import bp

Load the data

In [15]:
path_pro = '../data/processed'

df_train = pd.read_csv(f'{path_pro}/train_cleaned_encoded.csv',index_col=0)

df_test = pd.read_csv(f'{path_pro}/test_cleaned_encoded.csv',index_col=0)

(188318, 816)
id cat1 cat2 cat3 cat4 cat5 cat6 cat7 cat8 cat9 ... dummy_cat116_KC dummy_cat116_KW dummy_cat116_LB dummy_cat116_LF dummy_cat116_LM dummy_cat116_LN dummy_cat116_LO dummy_cat116_LY dummy_cat116_MD dummy_cat116_Others
0 1 A B A B A A A A B ... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 A B A A A A A A B ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2 rows × 816 columns

In [16]:
df_train.shape, df_test.shape
((188318, 816), (125546, 811))
In [17]:
features_only_train = df_train.columns.difference(df_test.columns).tolist()

['dummy_cat101_N', 'dummy_cat101_U', 'dummy_cat102_H', 'dummy_cat102_J', 'dummy_cat105_R', 'dummy_cat105_S', 'dummy_cat111_D', 'dummy_cat114_X', 'dummy_cat89_I', 'dummy_cat90_G', 'dummy_cat92_F', 'loss', 'loss_log1p']
In [18]:
features_only_test = df_test.columns.difference(df_train.columns).tolist()

['dummy_cat103_M', 'dummy_cat106_Q', 'dummy_cat111_L', 'dummy_cat89_F', 'dummy_cat92_E', 'dummy_cat92_G', 'dummy_cat96_H', 'dummy_cat99_U']
In [19]:
features_only_one = features_only_train + features_only_test

['dummy_cat101_N', 'dummy_cat101_U', 'dummy_cat102_H', 'dummy_cat102_J', 'dummy_cat105_R', 'dummy_cat105_S', 'dummy_cat111_D', 'dummy_cat114_X', 'dummy_cat89_I', 'dummy_cat90_G', 'dummy_cat92_F', 'loss', 'loss_log1p', 'dummy_cat103_M', 'dummy_cat106_Q', 'dummy_cat111_L', 'dummy_cat89_F', 'dummy_cat92_E', 'dummy_cat92_G', 'dummy_cat96_H', 'dummy_cat99_U']

Data Preparation

In [20]:
continuous features: xxx_boxcox1p
categorical features: dummy_xxx

target: loss_log1p
In [21]:
features_raw = df_train.columns.tolist()
target = 'loss'
target_log = 'loss_log1p'

# orig
features_orig_cont = [i for i in features_raw 
                    if i.startswith('cont')
                    if not i.endswith('_boxcox1p')
features_orig_cat = [i for i in features_raw 
                    if i.startswith('cat') ]                     
features_orig = features_orig_cat + features_orig_cont

# processed
features_cont = [i for i in features_raw if i.endswith('_boxcox1p') ]

features_cat = [i for i in features_raw if i.startswith('dummy_') ]

features = features_cat + features_cont
features = [i for i in features if i not in features_only_one]

# print
# print(features_orig_cont)
# print(features_orig_cat)
# print(features_cont)
# print(features_cat)

Train-Validation Split

In [22]:
df_Xtr, df_Xval, ser_ytr, ser_yval = train_test_split(

Xtr = df_Xtr.to_numpy()
ytr = ser_ytr.to_numpy().ravel()
yval = ser_yval.to_numpy().ravel()

print(df_Xtr.shape, ser_ytr.shape,ytr.shape)
(150654, 672) (150654,) (150654,)
dummy_cat1_A dummy_cat1_B dummy_cat2_A dummy_cat2_B dummy_cat3_A dummy_cat3_B dummy_cat4_A dummy_cat4_B dummy_cat5_A dummy_cat5_B ... cont5_boxcox1p cont6_boxcox1p cont7_boxcox1p cont8_boxcox1p cont9_boxcox1p cont10_boxcox1p cont11_boxcox1p cont12_boxcox1p cont13_boxcox1p cont14_boxcox1p
180302 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ... 0.273358 0.170764 0.278357 0.269171 0.288533 0.197228 0.169389 0.167836 0.238885 0.650623
105000 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ... 0.361725 0.350364 0.320341 0.499342 0.378155 0.393653 0.310744 0.307905 0.327325 0.257707

2 rows × 672 columns

In [23]:
df_Xtx = df_test[features]
Xtx = df_Xtx.to_numpy()

ser_ytx = None
ytx = None

# in kaggle there is no ytest, we need to submit it.
(125546, 672)
dummy_cat1_A dummy_cat1_B dummy_cat2_A dummy_cat2_B dummy_cat3_A dummy_cat3_B dummy_cat4_A dummy_cat4_B dummy_cat5_A dummy_cat5_B ... cont5_boxcox1p cont6_boxcox1p cont7_boxcox1p cont8_boxcox1p cont9_boxcox1p cont10_boxcox1p cont11_boxcox1p cont12_boxcox1p cont13_boxcox1p cont14_boxcox1p
0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 ... 0.255586 0.401870 0.285609 0.507345 0.306570 0.335532 0.333617 0.327418 0.570153 0.345239
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 ... 0.656444 0.413704 0.384638 0.576341 0.440606 0.501547 0.560053 0.551063 0.391990 0.193540

2 rows × 672 columns

Scale the data

In [24]:
scaler = StandardScaler()

Xtr_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df_Xtr)
Xval_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(df_Xval)


df_Xtr_scaled = pd.DataFrame(Xtr_scaled,columns=df_Xtr.columns)

df_Xval_scaled = pd.DataFrame(Xval_scaled,columns=df_Xval.columns)

<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
dummy_cat1_A dummy_cat1_B dummy_cat2_A dummy_cat2_B dummy_cat3_A dummy_cat3_B dummy_cat4_A dummy_cat4_B dummy_cat5_A dummy_cat5_B ... cont5_boxcox1p cont6_boxcox1p cont7_boxcox1p cont8_boxcox1p cont9_boxcox1p cont10_boxcox1p cont11_boxcox1p cont12_boxcox1p cont13_boxcox1p cont14_boxcox1p
0 0.574198 -0.574198 -1.141867 1.141867 -4.159984 4.159984 0.682029 -0.682029 0.722126 -0.722126 ... -0.902536 -1.611161 -1.020371 -0.971494 -0.936657 -1.631879 -1.584026 -1.595692 -1.124155 1.446586
1 0.574198 -0.574198 -1.141867 1.141867 0.240386 -0.240386 -1.466213 1.466213 0.722126 -0.722126 ... -0.317716 -0.413701 -0.694650 0.622825 -0.246720 -0.188110 -0.668667 -0.686765 -0.555165 -0.958409

2 rows × 672 columns


Wrapper Functions

In [25]:
class SklearnWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, clf, seed=100, params=None):
        params['random_state'] = seed
        self.clf = clf(**params)

    def train(self, Xtrain, ytrain):, np.log(ytrain))

    def predict(self, x):
        return np.exp(self.clf.predict(x))
In [26]:
class XgbWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, seed=100, params=None):
        self.param = params
        self.param['seed'] = seed
        self.nrounds = params.pop('nrounds', 250)

    def train(self, Xtrain, ytrain):
        dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(Xtrain, label=np.log(ytrain))
        self.gbdt = xgb.train(self.param, dtrain, self.nrounds)

    def predict(self, x):
        return np.exp(self.gbdt.predict(xgb.DMatrix(x)))
In [27]:
def get_oof(clf,Xtr, ytr,
    """Out of Fold Estimation.
    clf: Wrapper class having train and predict methods.
    Xtr: Numpy array of training data
    ytr: Numpy array of training target data
    Xtx: Numpy array of test data
    ytx: Numpy array of test label data
    NFOLDS: Number of fold

    ntrain = Xtr.shape[0]
    ntest = Xtx.shape[0]

    oof_train = np.zeros((ntrain,))
    oof_test = np.zeros((ntest,))

    oof_test_kf = np.empty((NFOLDS, ntest))

    kf = KFold(n_splits=NFOLDS,

    for i, (idx_tr, idx_tx) in enumerate(kf.split(Xtr,ytr)):
        xtr_now = Xtr[idx_tr]
        ytr_now = ytr[idx_tr]
        xtx_now = Xtr[idx_tx]

        clf.train(xtr_now, ytr_now)

        oof_train[idx_tx] = clf.predict(xtx_now)
        oof_test_kf[i, :] = clf.predict(Xtx)

    oof_test[:] = oof_test_kf.mean(axis=0)

    return oof_train.reshape(-1, 1), oof_test.reshape(-1, 1)

Modelling: Random Forest

In [28]:
rf_params = {
    'n_jobs': -1,
    'n_estimators': 100,
    'max_features': 0.2,
    'max_depth': 8,
    'min_samples_leaf': 2,
In [29]:
rf = SklearnWrapper(clf=RandomForestRegressor,
In [30]:


rf = SklearnWrapper(clf=RandomForestRegressor,

rf_oof_train, rf_oof_test = get_oof(rf,Xtr,ytr,

print("RF-CV: {}".format(mean_absolute_error(ytr, rf_oof_train)))
RF-CV: 1292.8756371081363
CPU times: user 4min, sys: 2.64 s, total: 4min 3s
Wall time: 1min 45s

Modelling: XGBoost

In [31]:
xgb_params = {
    'seed': 0,
    'colsample_bytree': 0.7,
    'silent': 1,
    'subsample': 0.7,
    'learning_rate': 0.075,
    'objective': 'reg:linear',
    'max_depth': 7,
    'num_parallel_tree': 1,
    'min_child_weight': 1,
    'eval_metric': 'mae',
    'nrounds': 350
In [32]:

xg = XgbWrapper(seed=SEED,

xg_oof_train, xg_oof_test = get_oof(xg,Xtr,ytr,

print("XG-CV: {}".format(mean_absolute_error(ytr,xg_oof_train)))
XG-CV: 1155.908488809834
CPU times: user 22min 51s, sys: 9.62 s, total: 23min 1s
Wall time: 23min 57s

Modelling: Extra Trees Regressor

In [33]:
et_params = {
    'n_jobs': -1,
    'n_estimators': 100,
    'max_features': 0.5,
    'max_depth': 12,
    'min_samples_leaf': 2,
In [34]:

et = SklearnWrapper(clf=ExtraTreesRegressor,

et_oof_train, et_oof_test = get_oof(et,Xtr,ytr,

print("ET-CV: {}".format(mean_absolute_error(ytr,et_oof_train)))
ET-CV: 1243.4451960986753
CPU times: user 19min 35s, sys: 10.7 s, total: 19min 46s
Wall time: 9min 19s

Stacking multiple models

In [35]:
def xg_eval_mae(yhat, dtrain):
    y = dtrain.get_label()
    return 'mae', mean_absolute_error(np.exp(y), np.exp(yhat))
In [36]:
Xtr_stacked = np.c_[xg_oof_train,
Xtx_stacked = np.c_[xg_oof_test,

dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(Xtr_stacked, label=np.log(ytr))
dtest = xgb.DMatrix(Xtx)

xgb_params = {
    'seed': SEED,
    'colsample_bytree': 0.8,
    'silent': 1,
    'subsample': 0.6,
    'learning_rate': 0.01,
    'objective': 'reg:linear',
    'max_depth': 4,
    'num_parallel_tree': 1,
    'min_child_weight': 1,
    'eval_metric': 'mae',

res =,

best_nrounds = res.shape[0] - 1
cv_mean = res.iloc[-1, 0]
cv_std = res.iloc[-1, 1]

print('Stacked-CV: {0}+{1}'.format(cv_mean, cv_std))
[0]	train-mae:1522.61+1515.5	test-mae:1522.61+1515.52
[10]	train-mae:1521.41+1514.97	test-mae:1521.41+1514.99
[20]	train-mae:1519.59+1513.78	test-mae:1519.6+1513.8
[30]	train-mae:1516.86+1511.6	test-mae:1516.86+1511.62
[40]	train-mae:1512.8+1508.04	test-mae:1512.8+1508.06
[50]	train-mae:1506.96+1502.66	test-mae:1506.96+1502.68
[60]	train-mae:1498.84+1494.95	test-mae:1498.84+1494.97
[70]	train-mae:1487.95+1484.43	test-mae:1487.95+1484.45
[80]	train-mae:1473.83+1470.64	test-mae:1473.83+1470.67
[90]	train-mae:1456.1+1453.22	test-mae:1456.11+1453.25
[100]	train-mae:1434.48+1431.88	test-mae:1434.49+1431.91
[110]	train-mae:1408.86+1406.51	test-mae:1408.88+1406.55
[120]	train-mae:1379.28+1377.15	test-mae:1379.3+1377.19
[130]	train-mae:1345.88+1343.95	test-mae:1345.91+1344
[140]	train-mae:1309+1307.26	test-mae:1309.04+1307.32
[150]	train-mae:1269.11+1267.53	test-mae:1269.16+1267.6
[160]	train-mae:1226.66+1225.24	test-mae:1226.74+1225.33
[170]	train-mae:1182.4+1181.1	test-mae:1182.49+1181.21
[180]	train-mae:1136.97+1135.8	test-mae:1137.08+1135.93
[190]	train-mae:1091.14+1090.07	test-mae:1091.29+1090.24
[200]	train-mae:1045.6+1044.62	test-mae:1045.78+1044.83
[210]	train-mae:1000.99+1000.1	test-mae:1001.23+1000.35
[220]	train-mae:957.993+957.17	test-mae:958.292+957.486
[230]	train-mae:917.234+916.474	test-mae:917.596+916.851
[240]	train-mae:878.959+878.253	test-mae:879.373+878.681
[250]	train-mae:843.477+842.817	test-mae:843.981+843.336
[260]	train-mae:810.927+810.306	test-mae:811.519+810.913
[270]	train-mae:781.36+780.773	test-mae:782.046+781.473
[280]	train-mae:754.747+754.188	test-mae:755.558+755.013
[290]	train-mae:731.084+730.549	test-mae:732.007+731.486
[300]	train-mae:710.168+709.653	test-mae:711.196+710.694
[310]	train-mae:691.817+691.32	test-mae:692.933+692.447
[320]	train-mae:675.695+675.211	test-mae:676.925+676.453
[330]	train-mae:661.707+661.235	test-mae:663.038+662.577
[340]	train-mae:649.562+649.1	test-mae:650.984+650.532
[350]	train-mae:639.074+638.62	test-mae:640.593+640.148
[360]	train-mae:630.056+629.609	test-mae:631.674+631.236
[370]	train-mae:622.28+621.838	test-mae:623.984+623.551
[380]	train-mae:615.611+615.174	test-mae:617.394+616.965
[390]	train-mae:609.916+609.482	test-mae:611.766+611.342
[400]	train-mae:605.033+604.602	test-mae:606.967+606.547
[410]	train-mae:600.837+600.41	test-mae:602.838+602.42
[420]	train-mae:597.292+596.867	test-mae:599.362+598.947
[430]	train-mae:594.259+593.835	test-mae:596.402+595.989
[440]	train-mae:591.671+591.249	test-mae:593.878+593.467
[450]	train-mae:589.476+589.055	test-mae:591.748+591.337
[460]	train-mae:587.632+587.212	test-mae:589.964+589.555
[470]	train-mae:586.027+585.608	test-mae:588.421+588.013
[480]	train-mae:584.634+584.215	test-mae:587.083+586.676
[490]	train-mae:583.449+583.031	test-mae:585.947+585.541
[499]	train-mae:582.531+582.113	test-mae:585.066+584.66
Stacked-CV: 582.5307191249999+582.1132548840304

Model Estimation on Test Set

In [40]:
# dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(Xtr_stacked, label=np.log(ytr))
# dtest = xgb.DMatrix(Xtx)

gbdt = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, best_nrounds)

output = np.exp(gbdt.predict(dtest))

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-40-0b13a686a22c> in <module>
      4 gbdt = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, best_nrounds)
----> 6 output = np.exp(gbdt.predict(dtest))
      8 output[:5]

~/miniconda3/envs/dataSc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xgboost/ in predict(self, data, output_margin, ntree_limit, pred_leaf, pred_contribs, approx_contribs, pred_interactions, validate_features)
   1193         if validate_features:
-> 1194             self._validate_features(data)
   1196         length = c_bst_ulong()

~/miniconda3/envs/dataSc/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xgboost/ in _validate_features(self, data)
   1476                 raise ValueError(msg.format(self.feature_names,
-> 1477                                             data.feature_names))
   1479     def get_split_value_histogram(self, feature, fmap='', bins=None, as_pandas=True):

ValueError: feature_names mismatch: ['f0', 'f1', 'f2'] ['f0', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4', 'f5', 'f6', 'f7', 'f8', 'f9', 'f10', 'f11', 'f12', 'f13', 'f14', 'f15', 'f16', 'f17', 'f18', 'f19', 'f20', 'f21', 'f22', 'f23', 'f24', 'f25', 'f26', 'f27', 'f28', 'f29', 'f30', 'f31', 'f32', 'f33', 'f34', 'f35', 'f36', 'f37', 'f38', 'f39', 'f40', 'f41', 'f42', 'f43', 'f44', 'f45', 'f46', 'f47', 'f48', 'f49', 'f50', 'f51', 'f52', 'f53', 'f54', 'f55', 'f56', 'f57', 'f58', 'f59', 'f60', 'f61', 'f62', 'f63', 'f64', 'f65', 'f66', 'f67', 'f68', 'f69', 'f70', 'f71', 'f72', 'f73', 'f74', 'f75', 'f76', 'f77', 'f78', 'f79', 'f80', 'f81', 'f82', 'f83', 'f84', 'f85', 'f86', 'f87', 'f88', 'f89', 'f90', 'f91', 'f92', 'f93', 'f94', 'f95', 'f96', 'f97', 'f98', 'f99', 'f100', 'f101', 'f102', 'f103', 'f104', 'f105', 'f106', 'f107', 'f108', 'f109', 'f110', 'f111', 'f112', 'f113', 'f114', 'f115', 'f116', 'f117', 'f118', 'f119', 'f120', 'f121', 'f122', 'f123', 'f124', 'f125', 'f126', 'f127', 'f128', 'f129', 'f130', 'f131', 'f132', 'f133', 'f134', 'f135', 'f136', 'f137', 'f138', 'f139', 'f140', 'f141', 'f142', 'f143', 'f144', 'f145', 'f146', 'f147', 'f148', 'f149', 'f150', 'f151', 'f152', 'f153', 'f154', 'f155', 'f156', 'f157', 'f158', 'f159', 'f160', 'f161', 'f162', 'f163', 'f164', 'f165', 'f166', 'f167', 'f168', 'f169', 'f170', 'f171', 'f172', 'f173', 'f174', 'f175', 'f176', 'f177', 'f178', 'f179', 'f180', 'f181', 'f182', 'f183', 'f184', 'f185', 'f186', 'f187', 'f188', 'f189', 'f190', 'f191', 'f192', 'f193', 'f194', 'f195', 'f196', 'f197', 'f198', 'f199', 'f200', 'f201', 'f202', 'f203', 'f204', 'f205', 'f206', 'f207', 'f208', 'f209', 'f210', 'f211', 'f212', 'f213', 'f214', 'f215', 'f216', 'f217', 'f218', 'f219', 'f220', 'f221', 'f222', 'f223', 'f224', 'f225', 'f226', 'f227', 'f228', 'f229', 'f230', 'f231', 'f232', 'f233', 'f234', 'f235', 'f236', 'f237', 'f238', 'f239', 'f240', 'f241', 'f242', 'f243', 'f244', 'f245', 'f246', 'f247', 'f248', 'f249', 'f250', 'f251', 'f252', 'f253', 'f254', 'f255', 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training data did not have the following fields: f611, f198, f493, f593, f417, f522, f138, f579, f670, f607, f510, f467, f272, f170, f520, f430, f450, f128, f492, f75, f5, f639, f514, f526, f521, f651, f538, f655, f424, f570, f34, f16, f186, f581, f361, f32, f466, f491, f461, f344, f261, f273, f589, f279, f355, f207, f281, f587, f559, f389, f396, f321, f653, f489, f318, f45, f475, f562, f26, f12, f599, f7, f51, f145, f598, f604, f632, f221, f66, f253, f262, f337, f478, f155, f667, f551, f77, f330, f505, f338, f335, f634, f275, f293, f429, f391, f660, f247, f113, f167, f494, f568, f555, f434, f550, f206, f452, f24, f21, f554, f663, f433, f233, f479, f561, f455, f404, f548, f90, f286, f10, f208, f38, f397, f60, f312, f409, f531, f584, f588, f603, f241, f418, f610, f519, f432, f512, f517, f449, f523, f80, f569, f171, f462, f6, f571, f254, f25, f215, f425, f468, f304, f59, f564, f227, f266, f502, f190, f91, f118, f393, f218, f469, f72, f364, f230, f130, f315, f143, f665, f71, f583, f67, f238, f97, f175, f537, f129, f392, f377, f620, f73, f567, f203, f147, f436, f252, f375, f532, f288, f614, f193, f360, f296, f640, f108, f654, f276, f367, f274, f427, f637, f211, f419, f664, f399, f69, f636, f104, f295, f19, f224, f50, f326, f202, f473, f464, f623, f572, f94, f246, f343, f435, f236, f366, f546, f58, f650, f341, f83, f249, f438, f486, f560, f381, f402, f332, f445, f448, f483, f585, f30, f13, f540, f592, f280, f243, f311, f474, f187, f127, f183, f264, f410, f342, f199, f135, f298, f319, f353, f415, f661, f258, f539, f616, f134, f439, f99, f463, f112, f244, f374, f322, f359, f513, f518, f220, f411, f204, f384, f503, f440, f619, f524, f357, f351, f4, f500, f368, f638, f70, f363, f490, f188, f245, f644, f3, f313, f76, f115, f329, f495, f602, f205, f287, f635, f214, f379, f626, f84, f596, f300, f105, f140, f42, f54, f35, f422, f271, f174, f442, f43, f18, f595, f44, f317, f228, f507, f63, f173, f53, f195, f625, f46, f388, f629, f20, f400, f178, f482, f553, f671, f185, f285, f292, f515, f372, f169, f460, f580, f488, f428, f268, f446, f283, f574, f122, f278, f365, f40, f302, f403, f441, f212, f582, f109, f110, f191, f487, f307, f552, f119, f648, f86, f324, f219, f172, f575, f226, f346, f345, f117, f146, f378, f234, f444, f401, f456, f111, f624, f31, f216, f61, f305, f163, f471, f284, f412, f168, f36, f240, f416, f457, f235, f267, f78, f383, f621, f630, f356, f56, f57, f476, f576, f642, f33, f645, f136, f669, f472, f496, f331, f534, f470, f87, f387, f93, f516, f549, f107, f11, f282, f557, f498, f573, f189, f497, f156, f85, f350, f443, f52, f320, f647, f376, f529, f373, f506, f270, f150, f615, f333, f477, f499, f159, f257, f100, f179, f530, f68, f451, f386, f49, f92, f39, f65, f336, f123, f201, f209, f421, f541, f299, f197, f132, f176, f213, f47, f101, f414, f558, f618, f269, f652, f125, f334, f184, f405, f542, f308, f622, f641, f106, f628, f291, f316, f325, f658, f323, f154, f597, f349, f525, f15, f633, f423, f102, f649, f177, f643, f37, f181, f164, f533, f594, f131, f98, f23, f556, f242, f137, f426, f74, f431, f29, f394, f511, f210, f237, f407, f116, f229, f277, f256, f398, f265, f82, f656, f27, f395, f194, f501, f340, f148, f380, f255, f290, f223, f141, f627, f309, f22, f590, f114, f250, f200, f294, f408, f225, f347, f142, f382, f631, f547, f259, f162, f314, f180, f126, f289, f536, f157, f303, f121, f151, f166, f9, f465, f566, f606, f81, f96, f251, f528, f563, f306, f133, f297, f371, f600, f362, f152, f153, f657, f659, f543, f454, f222, f437, f385, f453, f232, f328, f447, f535, f217, f459, f161, f239, f508, f358, f352, f545, f577, f8, f565, f149, f64, f62, f354, f612, f601, f370, f160, f192, f668, f480, f527, f89, f14, f509, f88, f165, f231, f348, f591, f504, f578, f120, f544, f662, f390, f55, f158, f196, f182, f608, f139, f617, f613, f339, f586, f48, f458, f301, f646, f369, f79, f41, f263, f420, f406, f103, f666, f124, f481, f605, f260, f609, f17, f327, f95, f248, f485, f484, f28, f310, f413, f144

Time Taken

In [ ]:
time_taken = time.time() - time_start_notebook
h,m = divmod(time_taken,60*60)
print('Time taken to run whole notebook: {:.0f} hr '\
      '{:.0f} min {:.0f} secs'.format(h, *divmod(m,60)))