The data is taken from kaggle competition Telco Customer Churn. The main aim of the project is to predict whether a customer will leave (churn) the company or not based on given attributes. This is a binary classification problem and one of the most important usage of machine learning in business world.
Each row represents a customer, each column contains customer’s attributes described on the column Metadata.
The data set includes information about:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import os,sys,time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
SEED = 100
pd.set_option('plotting.backend','matplotlib') # matplotlib, bokeh, altair, plotly
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -iv
json 2.0.9 numpy 1.18.4 seaborn 0.11.0 autopep8 1.5.2 pandas 1.1.0
# local imports
module_path = "/Users/poudel/Dropbox/a00_Bhishan_Modules/bhishan/"
from pandas_api import BPAccessor
from plot_utils import add_text_barplot
def show_methods(obj, ncols=4,contains=None):
lst = [i for i in dir(obj) if i[0]!='_' ]
if contains is not None:
lst = [i for i in lst if contains in i]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.array_split(lst,ncols)).T.fillna('')
return df
path_raw = '../data/raw/telco_customer_churn.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(path_raw)
(7043, 21)
customerID | gender | SeniorCitizen | Partner | Dependents | tenure | PhoneService | MultipleLines | InternetService | OnlineSecurity | OnlineBackup | DeviceProtection | TechSupport | StreamingTV | StreamingMovies | Contract | PaperlessBilling | PaymentMethod | MonthlyCharges | TotalCharges | Churn | |
0 | 7590-VHVEG | Female | 0 | Yes | No | 1 | No | No phone service | DSL | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | Month-to-month | Yes | Electronic check | 29.85 | 29.85 | No |
1 | 5575-GNVDE | Male | 0 | No | No | 34 | Yes | No | DSL | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | One year | No | Mailed check | 56.95 | 1889.5 | No |
7041 | 8361-LTMKD | Male | 1 | Yes | No | 4 | Yes | Yes | Fiber optic | No | No | No | No | No | No | Month-to-month | Yes | Mailed check | 74.40 | 306.6 | Yes |
7042 | 3186-AJIEK | Male | 0 | No | No | 66 | Yes | No | Fiber optic | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Two year | Yes | Bank transfer (automatic) | 105.65 | 6844.5 | No |
target_name = 'Churn'
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 7043 entries, 0 to 7042 Data columns (total 21 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 customerID 7043 non-null object 1 gender 7043 non-null object 2 SeniorCitizen 7043 non-null int64 3 Partner 7043 non-null object 4 Dependents 7043 non-null object 5 tenure 7043 non-null int64 6 PhoneService 7043 non-null object 7 MultipleLines 7043 non-null object 8 InternetService 7043 non-null object 9 OnlineSecurity 7043 non-null object 10 OnlineBackup 7043 non-null object 11 DeviceProtection 7043 non-null object 12 TechSupport 7043 non-null object 13 StreamingTV 7043 non-null object 14 StreamingMovies 7043 non-null object 15 Contract 7043 non-null object 16 PaperlessBilling 7043 non-null object 17 PaymentMethod 7043 non-null object 18 MonthlyCharges 7043 non-null float64 19 TotalCharges 7043 non-null object 20 Churn 7043 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(18) memory usage: 1.1+ MB
Feature | Type | N | Count | Unique | Missing | MissingPct | Zeros | ZerosPct | mean | std | min | max | 25% | 50% | 75% | |
2 | SeniorCitizen | int64 | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 5901 | 83.79 | 0.16 | 0.37 | 0.00 | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
5 | tenure | int64 | 7043 | 7043 | 73 | 0 | 0.00 | 11 | 0.16 | 32.37 | 24.56 | 0.00 | 72.00 | 9.00 | 29.00 | 55.00 |
0 | customerID | object | 7043 | 7043 | 7043 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
1 | gender | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
3 | Partner | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
4 | Dependents | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
6 | PhoneService | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
7 | MultipleLines | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
8 | InternetService | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
9 | OnlineSecurity | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
10 | OnlineBackup | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
11 | DeviceProtection | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
12 | TechSupport | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
13 | StreamingTV | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
14 | StreamingMovies | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
15 | Contract | object | 7043 | 7043 | 3 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
16 | PaperlessBilling | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
17 | PaymentMethod | object | 7043 | 7043 | 4 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
18 | MonthlyCharges | float64 | 7043 | 7043 | 1585 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 64.76 | 30.09 | 18.25 | 118.75 | 35.50 | 70.35 | 89.85 |
19 | TotalCharges | object | 7043 | 7043 | 6531 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | |||||||
20 | Churn | object | 7043 | 7043 | 2 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 |
Look at the feature with datatype object,
the feature TotalCharges should be float but it is object.
cols_drop = ['customerID']
df = df.drop(cols_drop,axis=1)
We have all the column names as CamelCase except gender and tenure
, change them to CamelCase.
df = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x[0].capitalize()+x[1:].strip())
Gender | SeniorCitizen | Partner | Dependents | Tenure | PhoneService | MultipleLines | InternetService | OnlineSecurity | OnlineBackup | DeviceProtection | TechSupport | StreamingTV | StreamingMovies | Contract | PaperlessBilling | PaymentMethod | MonthlyCharges | TotalCharges | Churn | |
0 | Female | 0 | Yes | No | 1 | No | No phone service | DSL | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | Month-to-month | Yes | Electronic check | 29.85 | 29.85 | No |
1 | Male | 0 | No | No | 34 | Yes | No | DSL | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | No | One year | No | Mailed check | 56.95 | 1889.5 | No |
2 | Male | 0 | No | No | 2 | Yes | No | DSL | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | No | Month-to-month | Yes | Mailed check | 53.85 | 108.15 | Yes |
3 | Male | 0 | No | No | 45 | No | No phone service | DSL | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | One year | No | Bank transfer (automatic) | 42.30 | 1840.75 | No |
4 | Female | 0 | No | No | 2 | Yes | No | Fiber optic | No | No | No | No | No | No | Month-to-month | Yes | Electronic check | 70.70 | 151.65 | Yes |
cols_obj = df.select_dtypes('object').columns.tolist()
['Gender', 'Partner', 'Dependents', 'PhoneService', 'MultipleLines', 'InternetService', 'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection', 'TechSupport', 'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies', 'Contract', 'PaperlessBilling', 'PaymentMethod', 'TotalCharges', 'Churn']
# exclude total charges
cols_obj2 = [i for i in cols_obj if i not in ['TotalCharges']]
Gender 2 Partner 2 Dependents 2 PhoneService 2 PaperlessBilling 2 Churn 2 MultipleLines 3 InternetService 3 OnlineSecurity 3 OnlineBackup 3 DeviceProtection 3 TechSupport 3 StreamingTV 3 StreamingMovies 3 Contract 3 PaymentMethod 4 dtype: int64
df[cols_obj2].apply(lambda x: list(pd.Series.unique(x)))
Gender [Female, Male] Partner [Yes, No] Dependents [No, Yes] PhoneService [No, Yes] MultipleLines [No phone service, No, Yes] InternetService [DSL, Fiber optic, No] OnlineSecurity [No, Yes, No internet service] OnlineBackup [Yes, No, No internet service] DeviceProtection [No, Yes, No internet service] TechSupport [No, Yes, No internet service] StreamingTV [No, Yes, No internet service] StreamingMovies [No, Yes, No internet service] Contract [Month-to-month, One year, Two year] PaperlessBilling [Yes, No] PaymentMethod [Electronic check, Mailed check, Bank transfer (automatic), Credit card (automatic)] Churn [No, Yes] dtype: object
df['TotalCharges'] = pd.to_numeric(df['TotalCharges'],
df[df.TotalCharges.isna()].shape # bad rows
(11, 20)
df['TotalCharges'] = df['TotalCharges'].fillna(0)
# these people did not pay any charges.
target_name = 'Churn'
The dataset is highly imbalanced.
This is churn and no-churn classification, churn may be more important.
We can take recall or f1 score as the metric of evaluation rather than accuracy.
cols_num = list(df.select_dtypes('number').columns)
cols_num = [i for i in cols_num if i not in ['SeniorCitizen']]
['Tenure', 'MonthlyCharges', 'TotalCharges']
# low tenure employees are more likely to churn.
# if monthly charge is high ==> more churn.
# if total charges is small ==> more churn.
def plot_binned(df,col):
plt.title(f'{col} (Binned) Churn Comparison',fontsize=14)
sns.countplot(data=df, x=col,
col = 'Tenure'
bins = [12*i for i in range(6)] + [np.inf]
labels = list(range(1,7))
labels = [f"{i} year" for i in labels]
df[col+'_cat'] = pd.cut(df[col],bins=bins,labels=labels,
col = 'MonthlyCharges'
bins = [-np.inf] + [20*i for i in range(1,6)] + [np.inf]
labels = [0] +bins[1:-1]
df[col+'_cat'] = pd.cut(df[col],bins=bins,labels=labels,
cols_cat = [i for i in cols_obj if i not in [target_name,'TotalCharges']]
cols_cat += ['SeniorCitizen']
print(len(cols_cat), cols_cat)
df[cols_cat].apply(pd.Series.nunique) # Make sure you dont have too large numbers
16 ['Gender', 'Partner', 'Dependents', 'PhoneService', 'MultipleLines', 'InternetService', 'OnlineSecurity', 'OnlineBackup', 'DeviceProtection', 'TechSupport', 'StreamingTV', 'StreamingMovies', 'Contract', 'PaperlessBilling', 'PaymentMethod', 'SeniorCitizen']
Gender 2 Partner 2 Dependents 2 PhoneService 2 MultipleLines 3 InternetService 3 OnlineSecurity 3 OnlineBackup 3 DeviceProtection 3 TechSupport 3 StreamingTV 3 StreamingMovies 3 Contract 3 PaperlessBilling 2 PaymentMethod 4 SeniorCitizen 2 dtype: int64
col = 'Gender'
================================================== Feature: **Gender** Overall Count: Male: 50.48% Female: 49.52% Total **Churn_Yes** distribution: Female: 50.24% Male: 49.76% Per Gender **Churn_Yes** distribution: Female: 26.92% Male: 26.16%
Let's understand the chart.
Look at bottom chart:
Out of 100% customers, 50.48% are male.
Out of 100% customers, 49.52% are female.
The company is pretty inclusive.
Look at middle right plot:
Out of 100% people who churned, 49.76% are male.
Out of 100% people who churned, 50.24% are female.
The difference is not significant.
Look at top right plot:
Out of 100% Males, 26.16% churned.
Out of 100% Females, 26.92% churned.
The difference is not significant.
from plot_ds import plot_cat_binn
for col in cols_cat:
rot = 30 if col in ['PaymentMethod'] else 0
plot_cat_binn(df, col,target_name,is_1_good=False,rot=rot,save=False)
# look at higher values of left red bar plots
# pd.crosstab(df.Churn, df.SeniorCitizen,margins = True)
sns.countplot(x= 'SeniorCitizen', hue='Churn', data=df)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff4bdca10d0>
from ds_ds import report_cat_binn
# for cat in cols_cat:
# report_cat_binn(df,cat,'Churn', one='Yes',name='Churn')
Summary of Churn Analysis
Feature: Gender
Not much difference.
Feature: Partner
Churn_Partner_No : 1200 (64.21% of 1869 total Churn and
32.96% of 3641 group Partner_No)
If no parter==> MORE churn.
Feature: Dependents
Churn_Dependents_No : 1543 (82.56% of 1869 total Churn)
It there are no dependents==> MORE churn.
Feature: PhoneService
Churn_PhoneService_No : 1699 (90.90% of 1869 total Churn
If no phone service==> MORE churn
Note: There are only 9.68% who does not have phone service.
Feature: MultipleLines
Churn_MultipleLines_Yes : 170 ( 9.10% of 1869 total Churn)
If they have multiple lines==> LESS churn.
Feature: InternetService
Churn_InternetService_DSL : 1297 (69.40% of 1869 total Churn)
If service is DL==> MORE churn.
Churn_OnlineSecurity_No : 1461 (78.17% of 1869 total Churn)
If there is no online service==> MORE churn.
Churn_OnlineBackup_No : 1233 (65.97% of 1869 total Churn)
If no online backup ==> MORE churn.
Feature: DeviceProtection
Churn_DeviceProtection_No : 1211 (64.79% of 1869 total Churn)
If no device protection ==> MORE churn.
Feature: TechSupport
Churn_TechSupport_No : 1446 (77.37% of 1869 total Churn)
If no tech support ==> MORE churn.
Feature: StreamingTV
Churn_StreamingTV_Yes : 113 ( 6.05% of 1869 total Churn)
If streaming TV ==> LESS churn.
Feature: StreamingMovies
Churn_StreamingMovies_Yes : 113 ( 6.05% of 1869 total Churn)
If streaming movies ==> LESS churn.
Feature: Contract
Churn_Contract_Month-to-month : 1655 (88.55% of 1869 total Churn)
If contact month-to-month ==> MORE churn.
Feature: PaperlessBilling
Churn_PaperlessBilling_No : 1400 (74.91% of 1869 total Churn)
If no paperless billing ==> MORE churn.
Feature: PaymentMethod
Churn_PaymentMethod_Bank transfer (automatic) : 1071 (57.30% of 1869 total Churn)
If payment method is bank transfer ==> MORE churn.
Feature: SeniorCitizen
SeniorCitizen_0 : 5901 (83.79% of total 7043 )
SeniorCitizen_1 : 1142 (16.21% of total 7043 )
Churn_SeniorCitizen_0 : 1393 (74.53% of 1869 total Churn and
23.61% of 5901 group SeniorCitizen_0)
Churn_SeniorCitizen_1 : 476 (25.47% of 1869 total Churn and
41.68% of 1142 group SeniorCitizen_1)
NOTE: There are very few senior citizens (only 16.21%)
sns.pairplot(df[cols_num+["Churn"]], hue="Churn", height=5.5,diag_kind="kde")
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x7ff484d5de10>
df_corr = df.corr()
SeniorCitizen | Tenure | MonthlyCharges | TotalCharges | |
SeniorCitizen | 1.000000 | 0.016567 | 0.220173 | 0.103006 |
Tenure | 0.016567 | 1.000000 | 0.247900 | 0.826178 |
MonthlyCharges | 0.220173 | 0.247900 | 1.000000 | 0.651174 |
TotalCharges | 0.103006 | 0.826178 | 0.651174 | 1.000000 |