Modelling Customer Churn using Catboost

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Load the libraries

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Useful Scripts

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Load the Data

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Data Processing

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Data Processing

Data Types

Train and Test Data

Numerical and Categorical Features

Custom Features

Train Validation Split


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Regression Objectives:
MAE MAPE Poisson Quantile RMSE Huber Tweedie SMAPE R2 MSLE etc.

Classification Objectives:
Logloss CrossEntroy Precision Recall F1 BalancedAccuracy

Multiclassification objectives:
MultiClass MultiClassOneVsAll Precision Recall F1 TotalF1 MCC
Accuracy HingeLoss ZeroOneLoss Kappa WKappa AUC
iterations                        = None, # n_estimators, num_trees, num_boost_round
learning_rate                     = None, # eta
depth                             = None, # max_depth
l2_leaf_reg                       = None, # reg_lambda
scale_pos_weight                  = None,

random_seed                       = None, # random_state
use_best_model                    = None,

verbose                           = None, # verbose_eval
silent                            = None,
logging_level                     = None, # silent verbose info debug

ignored_features                  = None,
cat_features                      = None, # indices or names
text_features                     = None,
one_hot_max_size                  = None,

objective                         = None, # loss_function
custom_loss                       = None,
custom_metric                     = None,
eval_metric                       = None,
score_function                    = None, # Cosine L2 NewtonCosine NewtonL2

subsample                         = None,
colsample_bylevel                 = None,

early_stopping_rounds             = None,
grow_policy                       = None,

classes_count                     = None,
class_weights                     = None, # list dict {0:1.0, 1:0.5} 
set 1 for zero, then weight = sum_neg/sum_pos for class one.
Do not use this parameter with auto_class_weights and scale_pos_weight.

auto_class_weights                = None,
class_names                       = None,

save_snapshot                     = None,
snapshot_file                     = None,
snapshot_interval                 = None

Catboost eval metric

from catboost.utils import eval_metric
from math import log

labels = [1, 0, 1]
probabilities = [0.4, 0.1, 0.9]

# In binary classification it is necessary to apply the logit function
# to the probabilities to get approxes.

logit = lambda x: log(x / (1 - x))
approxes = list(map(logit, probabilities))

accuracy = eval_metric(labels, approxes, 'Accuracy')

Custom eval_metric

class LoglossMetric(object):
    def get_final_error(self, error, weight):
        return error / (weight + 1e-38)

    def is_max_optimal(self):
        return False

    def evaluate(self, approxes, target, weight):
        assert len(approxes) == 1
        assert len(target) == len(approxes[0])

        approx = approxes[0]

        error_sum = 0.0
        weight_sum = 0.0

        for i in range(len(approx)):
            e = np.exp(approx[i])
            p = e / (1 + e)
            w = 1.0 if weight is None else weight[i]
            weight_sum += w
            error_sum += -w * (target[i] * np.log(p) + (1 - target[i]) * np.log(1 - p))

        return error_sum, weight_sum

model = CatBoostClassifier(eval_metric=LoglossMetric())

Catboost classifier fit,y,
cat_features          = None,
text_features         = None,
sample_weight         = None,
baseline              = None,
use_best_model        = None,
eval_set              = None,
verbose               = None,
logging_level         = None,
plot                  = False,
column_description    = None,
verbose_eval          = None,
metric_period         = None,
silent                = None,
early_stopping_rounds = None,
save_snapshot         = None,
snapshot_file         = None,
snapshot_interval     = None,
init_model            = None,

Catboost HPO Using Optuna

We generally should optimize model complexity and then tune the convergence.



For optuna,

n_trials          = None,
timeout           = None,
n_jobs            = 1,
catch             = (),
callbacks         = None,
gc_after_trial    = False,
show_progress_bar = False

Optuna Visualization

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Model Evaluation

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Model Evaluation using SHAP

Time Taken

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