Modelling Customer Churn using pycaret

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Load the libraries

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Useful Scripts

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Load the Data

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Data Processing

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Modelling Pycaret

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Pycaret Setup

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    data: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame,
    target: str,
    train_size                    = 0.7,
    test_data                     = None,
    preprocess                    = True,
    imputation_type               = 'simple',
    iterative_imputation_iters    = 5,
    categorical_features          = None,
    categorical_imputation        = 'constant',
    categorical_iterative_imputer = 'lightgbm',
    ordinal_features              = None,
    high_cardinality_features     = None,
    high_cardinality_method       = 'frequency',
    numeric_features              = None,
    numeric_imputation            = 'mean',
    numeric_iterative_imputer     = 'lightgbm',
    date_features                 = None,
    ignore_features               = None,
    normalize                     = False,
    normalize_method              = 'zscore',
    transformation                = False,
    transformation_method         = 'yeo-johnson',
    handle_unknown_categorical    = True,
    unknown_categorical_method    = 'least_frequent',
    pca                           = False,
    pca_method                    = 'linear',
    pca_components                = None,
    ignore_low_variance           = False,
    combine_rare_levels           = False,
    rare_level_threshold          = 0.1,
    bin_numeric_features          = None,
    remove_outliers               = False,
    outliers_threshold            = 0.05,
    remove_multicollinearity      = False,
    multicollinearity_threshold   = 0.9,
    remove_perfect_collinearity   = True,
    create_clusters               = False,
    cluster_iter                  = 20,
    polynomial_features           = False,
    polynomial_degree             = 2,
    trigonometry_features         = False,
    polynomial_threshold          = 0.1,
    group_features                = None,
    group_names                   = None,
    feature_selection             = False,
    feature_selection_threshold   = 0.8,
    feature_selection_method      = 'classic',
    feature_interaction           = False,
    feature_ratio                 = False,
    interaction_threshold         = 0.01,
    fix_imbalance                 = False,
    fix_imbalance_method          = None,
    data_split_shuffle            = True,
    data_split_stratify           = False,
    fold_strategy                 = 'stratifiedkfold',
    fold                          = 10,
    fold_shuffle                  = False,
    fold_groups                   = None,
    n_jobs                        = -1,
    use_gpu                       = False,
    custom_pipeline               = None,
    html                          = True,
    session_id                    = None,
    log_experiment                = False,
    experiment_name               = None,
    log_plots                     = False,
    log_profile                   = False,
    log_data                      = False,
    silent                        = False,
    verbose                       = True,
    profile                       = False,
    profile_kwargs                = None,

Comparing Models

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Comparing All Models

    include          = None,
    exclude          = None,
    fold             = None,
    round            = 4,
    cross_validation = True,
    sort             = 'Accuracy',
    n_select         = 1,
    budget_time      = None,
    turbo            = True,
    errors           = 'ignore',
    fit_kwargs       = None,
    groups           = None,
    verbose          = True,

Create Models

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Estimator                   Abbreviated String     Original Implementation 
---------                   ------------------     -------------------------------
Logistic Regression         'lr'                   linear_model.LogisticRegression
K Nearest Neighbour         'knn'                  neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier
Naives Bayes                'nb'                   naive_bayes.GaussianNB
Decision Tree               'dt'                   tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
SVM (Linear)                'svm'                  linear_model.SGDClassifier
SVM (RBF)                   'rbfsvm'               svm.SVC
Gaussian Process            'gpc'                  gaussian_process.GPC
Multi Level Perceptron      'mlp'                  neural_network.MLPClassifier
Ridge Classifier            'ridge'                linear_model.RidgeClassifier
Random Forest               'rf'                   ensemble.RandomForestClassifier
Quadratic Disc. Analysis    'qda'                  discriminant_analysis.QDA
AdaBoost                    'ada'                  ensemble.AdaBoostClassifier
Gradient Boosting           'gbc'                  ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier
Linear Disc. Analysis       'lda'                  discriminant_analysis.LDA
Extra Trees Classifier      'et'                   ensemble.ExtraTreesClassifier
Extreme Gradient Boosting   'xgboost'    
Light Gradient Boosting     'lightgbm'   
CatBoost Classifier         'catboost'   
    fold             = None,
    round            = 4,
    cross_validation = True,
    fit_kwargs       = None,
    groups           = None,
    verbose          = True,

Hyperparameter Tuning

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    fold                     = None,
    round                    = 4,
    n_iter                   = 10,
    custom_grid              = None,
    optimize                 = 'Accuracy',
    custom_scorer            = None,
    search_library           = 'scikit-learn', # 'scikit-optimize', 'tune-sklearn','optuna'
    search_algorithm         = None, # 'scikit-learn', 'scikit-optimize', 'tune-sklearn', 'optuna'
    early_stopping           = False, # 'asha','hyperband','median' 
    early_stopping_max_iters = 10,
    choose_better            = False,
    fit_kwargs               = None,
    groups                   = None,
    return_tuner             = False,
    verbose                  = True,
    tuner_verbose            = True,

Save Model After HPO

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Model Evaluation (Validation) : plot_model and evaluate_model

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Abbreviated String     Name
------------------     -------
* 'auc'                - Area Under the Curve
* 'threshold'          - Discrimination Threshold
* 'pr'                 - Precision Recall Curve
* 'confusion_matrix'   - Confusion Matrix
* 'error'              - Class Prediction Error
* 'class_report'       - Classification Report
* 'boundary'           - Decision Boundary
* 'rfe'                - Recursive Feature Selection
* 'learning'           - Learning Curve
* 'manifold'           - Manifold Learning
* 'calibration'        - Calibration Curve
* 'vc'                 - Validation Curve
* 'dimension'          - Dimension Learning
* 'feature'            - Feature Importance
* 'feature_all'        - Feature Importance (All)
* 'parameter'          - Model Hyperparameter
* 'lift'               - Lift Curve
* 'gain'               - Gain Chart
* 'tree'               - Decision Tree
    plot           = 'auc',
    scale          = 1,
    save           = False,
    fold           = None,
    fit_kwargs     = None,
    groups         = None,
    use_train_data = False, # if true, train data will be used for not test
    verbose        = True,
    fold           = None,
    fit_kwargs     = None,
    groups         = None,
    use_train_data = False,

Model Interpretation of Tree Methods (Validation)

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    plot           = 'summary',
    feature        = None,
    observation    = None,
    use_train_data = False,

Pycaret configs

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- X: Transformed dataset (X)
    - y: Transformed dataset (y)  
    - X_train: Transformed train dataset (X)
    - X_test: Transformed test/holdout dataset (X)
    - y_train: Transformed train dataset (y)
    - y_test: Transformed test/holdout dataset (y)
    - seed: random state set through session_id
    - prep_pipe: Transformation pipeline
    - fold_shuffle_param: shuffle parameter used in Kfolds
    - n_jobs_param: n_jobs parameter used in model training
    - html_param: html_param configured through setup
    - create_model_container: results grid storage container
    - master_model_container: model storage container
    - display_container: results display container
    - exp_name_log: Name of experiment
    - logging_param: log_experiment param
    - log_plots_param: log_plots param
    - USI: Unique session ID parameter
    - fix_imbalance_param: fix_imbalance param
    - fix_imbalance_method_param: fix_imbalance_method param
    - data_before_preprocess: data before preprocessing
    - target_param: name of target variable
    - gpu_param: use_gpu param configured through setup
    - fold_generator: CV splitter configured in fold_strategy
    - fold_param: fold params defined in the setup
    - fold_groups_param: fold groups defined in the setup
    - stratify_param: stratify parameter defined in the setup

Finalize model (Fit whole train data)

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    fit_kwargs = None,
    group      = None,
    model_only = True,

This function trains a given estimator on the entire dataset including the 
holdout set.

Model Evaluation on Test Data

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Time Taken

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