Modelling Customer Churn using LogisticRegression

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Modelling : Logistic Regression

Model interpretation: interpret

Class Histogram

Interpret LogisticRegression

Interpret: explain global

Interpret: explain local

Model performance: ROC

Compare logistic regression with Boosting

feature_names            = None,
feature_types            = None,
max_bins                 = 255,
max_interaction_bins     = 32,
binning                  = 'quantile',
mains                    = 'all',
interactions             = 0,
outer_bags               = 16,
inner_bags               = 0,
learning_rate            = 0.01,
validation_size          = 0.15,
early_stopping_rounds    = 50,
early_stopping_tolerance = 0.0001,
max_rounds               = 5000,
max_leaves               = 3,
min_samples_leaf         = 2,
n_jobs                   = -2,
random_state             = 42,

Interpret Shap

Global Explanations: How the model behaves overall