Table of Contents

Data Description

This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold between May 2014 and May 2015.

Task: Try to estimate the price based on given features.


Important Scripts


Load the data

Data Processing

Train target split


Modelling: xgboost

n_estimators=100 # number of trees you want to build.
verbosity=1 **NOTE: it print in ipython terminal not in browser
silent=None **deprecated use verbosity
objective='binary:logistic' **for binary classification
booster='gbtree' **use default tree not linear even for regression (may also use dart instead of gbtree, but needs to tune)
n_jobs=1 **make this -1
nthread=None **deprecated use n_jobs
gamma=0 # A higher value leads to fewer splits.
subsample=1 # percentage of samples used per tree. Low value can lead to underfitting.
colsample_bytree=1 # percentage of features used per tree. High value can lead to overfitting.
reg_alpha=0 # A large value leads to more regularization.
reg_lambda=1 # L2 regularization on leaf weights and is smoother than L1 regularization.
random_state=0 **use your own random state
seed=None      **deprecated use random_state

Early stopping:

If you have a validation set, you can use early stopping to find the optimal number of boosting rounds. Early stopping requires at least one set in evals. If there’s more than one, it will use the last.

train(..., evals=evals, early_stopping_rounds=10)

The model will train until the validation score stops improving. Validation error needs to decrease at least every early_stopping_rounds to continue training.

If early stopping occurs, the model will have three additional fields: bst.best_score, bst.best_iteration and bst.best_ntree_limit. Note that xgboost.train() will return a model from the last iteration, not the best one.

This works with both metrics to minimize (RMSE, log loss, etc.) and to maximize (MAP, NDCG, AUC). Note that if you specify more than one evaluation metric the last one in param['eval_metric'] is used for early stopping.

If early stopping is enabled during training, you can get predictions from the best iteration with bst.best_ntree_limit:

ypred = bst.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=bst.best_ntree_limit)

Faster implementations

Flexible tree growing policies The existing tree grower in xgboost grows a tree in a depth-wise fashion, executing splits in first level before splits in second and so forth. The new grower lets you control the way new nodes are added to the tree:

grow_policy=depthwise (default): split at nodes closest to the root, i.e. grow depth-wise. grow_policy=lossguide: split at nodes with highest loss change. This behavior mimics that of LightGBM. It has been reported that the lossguide policy often results in faster convergence in loss, though there is also risk of over-fitting(see the preliminary results).

cross validation

cross validation using with dtrain

Best Model

Log transform the target

Feature importance

Feature selection using permutation feature importance

Feature Selection using feature importance > 0 gave me worse results for this dataset.

Time Taken