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Wikibooks SQL Exercise: The Hospital

Load the libraries

Load the Database and Tables

Create connection to database

Exercise Questions

Obtain the names of all physicians that have performed a medical procedure they have never been certified to perform.

Same as the previous query, but include the following information in the results: Physician name, name of procedure, date when the procedure was carried out, name of the patient the procedure was carried out on.

Obtain the names of all physicians that have performed a medical procedure that they are certified to perform, but such that the procedure was done at a date (Undergoes.Date) after the physician's certification expired (Trained_In.CertificationExpires).

Same as the previous query, but include the following information in the results: Physician name, name of procedure, date when the procedure was carried out, name of the patient the procedure was carried out on, and date when the certification expired.

Obtain the information for appointments where a patient met with a physician other than his/her primary care physician. Show the following information: Patient name, physician name, nurse name (if any), start and end time of appointment, examination room, and the name of the patient's primary care physician.

The Patient field in Undergoes is redundant, since we can obtain it from the Stay table. There are no constraints in force to prevent inconsistencies between these two tables. More specifically, the Undergoes table may include a row where the patient ID does not match the one we would obtain from the Stay table through the Undergoes.Stay foreign key. Select all rows from Undergoes that exhibit this inconsistency.

Obtain the names of all the nurses who have ever been on call for room 123.

The hospital has several examination rooms where appointments take place. Obtain the number of appointments that have taken place in each examination room.

Obtain the names of all patients (also include, for each patient, the name of the patient's primary care physician), such that \emph{all} the following are true:

Time Taken