Table of Contents


This tutorial is based on the book "SQL Practice Problems"


Load the database

Basic SQL Questions

Qn1 Which shippers do we have?

We have a table called Shippers. Return all the fields from all the shippers

Qn2 Certain fields from Categories

We only want to see two columns, CategoryName and Description.

3. Sales Representatives

We’d like to see just the FirstName, LastName, and HireDate of all the employees with the Title of Sales Representative. Write a SQL statement that returns only those employees.

4. Sales Representatives in the United mStates

Now we’d like to see the same columns as above, but only for those employees that both have the title of Sales Representative, and also are in the United States.

5. Orders placed by specific EmployeeID

Show all the orders placed by a specific employee. The EmployeeID for this Employee (Steven Buchanan) is 5.

6. Suppliers and ContactTitles

In the Suppliers table, show the SupplierID, ContactName, and ContactTitle for those Suppliers whose ContactTitle is not Marketing Manager

7. Products with “queso” in ProductName

In the products table, we’d like to see the ProductID and ProductName for those products where the ProductName includes the string “queso”.

8. Orders shipping to France or Belgium

Looking at the Orders table, there’s a field called ShipCountry. Write a query that shows the OrderID, CustomerID, and ShipCountry for the orders where the ShipCountry is either France or Belgium.

9. Orders shipping to any country in Latin

America Now, instead of just wanting to return all the orders from France of Belgium, we want to show all the orders from any Latin American country. But we don’t have a list of Latin American countries in a table in the Northwind database. So, we’re going to just use this list of Latin American countries that happen to be in the Orders table: Brazil Mexico Argentina Venezuela It doesn’t make sense to use multiple Or statements anymore, it would get too convoluted. Use the In statement.

10. Employees, in order of age

For all the employees in the Employees table, show the FirstName, LastName, Title, and BirthDate. Order the results by BirthDate, so we have the oldest employees first.

11. Showing only the Date with a

DateTime field In the output of the query above, showing the Employees in order of BirthDate, we see the time of the BirthDate field, which we don’t want. Show only the date portion of the BirthDate field.

12. Employees full name

Show the FirstName and LastName columns from the Employees table, and then create a new column called FullName, showing FirstName and LastName joined together in one column, with a space in between.

13. OrderDetails amount per line item

In the OrderDetails table, we have the fields UnitPrice and Quantity. Create a new field, TotalPrice, that multiplies these two together. We’ll ignore the Discount field for now. In addition, show the OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, and Quantity. Order by OrderID and ProductID.

14. How many customers?

How many customers do we have in the Customers table? Show one value only, and don’t rely on getting the recordcount at the end of a resultset.

15. When was the first order?

Show the date of the first order ever made in the Orders table.

16. Countries where there are customers

Show a list of countries where the Northwind company has customers.

17. Contact titles for customers

Show a list of all the different values in the Customers table for ContactTitles. Also include a count for each ContactTitle. This is similar in concept to the previous question “Countries where there are customers” , except we now want a count for each ContactTitle.

18. Products with associated supplier names

We’d like to show, for each product, the associated Supplier. Show the ProductID, ProductName, and the CompanyName of the Supplier. Sort by ProductID. This question will introduce what may be a new concept, the Join clause in SQL. The Join clause is used to join two or more relational database tables together in a logical way. Here’s a data model of the relationship between Products and Suppliers.

19. Orders and the Shipper that was used

We’d like to show a list of the Orders that were made, including the Shipper that was used. Show the OrderID, OrderDate (date only), and CompanyName of the Shipper, and sort by OrderID.

In order to not show all the orders (there’s more than 800), show only those rows with an OrderID of less than 10300.

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