A/B Testing introduction for a Spanish Translation website
The problem
An e-commerce website is looking into purchases of Spanish-speaking countries. They want to know whether implementing standardized Spanish translation versus localized translation -i.e, Mexican Spanish for Mexico- has any effect on sales. Managers noticed that Spain-based users have a conversion rate higher than any other Spanish-speaking country. They suggested that one reason could be translation. All Spanish- speaking countries originally had the same translation of the site which was written by a translator from Spain.
Proposed Solution
They agreed to try a test where each country would have its one translation written by a local (Argentinian users would see a translation written by an Argentinian, Mexican users by a Mexican, and so on), replicating what happened with Spanish users. As for users from Spain, they would have no change since their translation is already localized to Spanish.
A. Hypothesis
Including a localized Spanish translation for each country's dialect will increase conversions for Spanish-speaking countries other than Spain.
B. Metric
We will be using conversion as the metric to test our hypothesis. Conversion is defined as the number of customers who sign up for the company's website, given they have been exposed to the translation.
C. Experiment
Our goal from this experiment is to understand the effect of having local translation from each country on user conversion, which is done by randomly dividing visitors into equal groups for each country, and having one group (control group) exposed to the original Spanish translation, and the other (treatment group) exposed to a more localized Spanish translation. We want to measure conversion for each group after having been exposed to respective translations, and see whether having a localized translation results in a significant difference between conversions coming from users viewing the control version versus the treatment version.
In this problem, a hypothetical A/B test shows that users in Spain has a much higher conversion rate than other Spanish speaking countries.
Test offers following logic: All Spanish translations are done by Spaniards and that is responsible for higher conversion rate.
However, when the A/B test data results come, it gives negative result. This means that non-localized translation does better.
This exercise seeks following answers:
import time
time_start_notebook = time.time()
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8,8
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
SEED = 100
np.random.seed(SEED) # we need this in each cell that calls random
%matplotlib inline
# scipy
import scipy
from scipy import stats # stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=False).pvalue
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
# statsmodels
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
# sms.proportion.proportions_ztest(counts, nobs, alternative = 'two-sided')
from statsmodels.stats.power import tt_ind_solve_power
# effect_size = sms.proportion_effectsize(prop_control, prop_test)
# sample_size = tt_ind_solve_power(effect_size=effect_size, nobs1=None,
# alpha=0.05, power=0.8, ratio=1, alternative='two-sided')
from mlxtend.evaluate import permutation_test
# p_value = permutation_test(treatment, control,
# method='approximate',
# num_rounds=10000,
# seed=SEED)
# my local library
import sys
import bp
def plot_feature_test_control(df,cat,show=True,figsize=(8,8),rot=90):
cat ==> categorical column
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3,1, figsize=(figsize),sharex=False)
# data to plot
dfx = df.groupby([cat,'test']).agg({'conversion' : ['count','mean']
# rename columns test==0 is control
dfx.columns = ['control','test',
# add difference column
dfx['test_control_diff'] = dfx['test'] - dfx['control']
dfx['rate_test_control_diff'] = dfx['rate_test'] - dfx['rate_control']
# add percent column
dfx['control_pct'] = dfx['control'] / dfx['control'].sum() * 100
dfx['test_pct'] = dfx['test'] / dfx['test'].sum() * 100
dfx['test_control_diff_pct'] = dfx['test_pct'] - dfx['control_pct']
# plots
# labels
ax[1].set_ylabel('Count Percent')
ax[2].set_ylabel('Conversion Rate')
# title
plt.suptitle(f'Count and Conversion Rate for {cat}',fontsize=14,weight='bold')
# save the large image
if show:
return None
def get_ttest(x,y):
return stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=False).pvalue
h = "/Volumes/Media/github/Datasets/business_projects/Spanish_Translation_AB_Test"
!ls $h
test_results.csv test_table.csv user_table.csv
!head -n 2 $h/test_table.csv
"user_id","date","source","device","browser_language","ads_channel","browser","conversion","test" 315281,2015-12-03,"Direct","Web","ES",NA,"IE",1,0
dft = pd.read_csv(f'{h}/test_table.csv',parse_dates=['date'])
(453321, 9)
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | |
0 | 315281 | 2015-12-03 | Direct | Web | ES | NaN | IE | 1 | 0 |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | |
2 | 848402 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | Chrome | 0 | 0 | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | |
4 | 548435 | 2015-11-30 | Ads | Web | ES | FireFox | 0 | 1 | |
453316 | 425010 | 2015-12-04 | SEO | Web | ES | NaN | FireFox | 0 | 0 |
453317 | 826793 | 2015-12-01 | SEO | Mobile | ES | NaN | Android_App | 0 | 1 |
453318 | 514870 | 2015-12-02 | Ads | Mobile | ES | Bing | Android_App | 0 | 0 |
453319 | 785224 | 2015-12-04 | SEO | Mobile | ES | NaN | Android_App | 0 | 1 |
453320 | 241662 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | Chrome | 0 | 1 |
dfu = pd.read_csv(f'{h}/user_table.csv')
(452867, 4) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 452867 entries, 0 to 452866 Data columns (total 4 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 user_id 452867 non-null int64 1 sex 452867 non-null object 2 age 452867 non-null int64 3 country 452867 non-null object dtypes: int64(2), object(2) memory usage: 13.8+ MB None
user_id | sex | age | country | |
0 | 765821 | M | 20 | Mexico |
1 | 343561 | F | 27 | Nicaragua |
2 | 118744 | M | 23 | Colombia |
3 | 987753 | F | 27 | Venezuela |
4 | 554597 | F | 20 | Spain |
452862 | 756215 | F | 27 | Venezuela |
452863 | 36888 | M | 18 | Argentina |
452864 | 800559 | M | 28 | Bolivia |
452865 | 176584 | M | 19 | Chile |
452866 | 314649 | M | 24 | Mexico |
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | |
0 | 315281 | 2015-12-03 | Direct | Web | ES | NaN | IE | 1 | 0 |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 |
user_id int64 date datetime64[ns] source object device object browser_language object ads_channel object browser object conversion int64 test int64 dtype: object
user_id 0 date 0 source 0 device 0 browser_language 0 ads_channel 271444 browser 0 conversion 0 test 0 dtype: int64
NaN 0.598790 Facebook 0.150942 Google 0.150401 Yahoo 0.060520 Bing 0.030197 Other 0.009150 Name: ads_channel, dtype: float64
# there are lots of nans in ads channel, all other features have no nulls.
user_id 0 sex 0 age 0 country 0 dtype: int64
len(dft['user_id']) - dft['user_id'].nunique()
len(dfu['user_id']) - dfu['user_id'].nunique()
# the user id is unique we can combine them.
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | |
0 | 315281 | 2015-12-03 | Direct | Web | ES | NaN | IE | 1 | 0 |
user_id | sex | age | country | |
0 | 765821 | M | 20 | Mexico |
df = dft.merge(dfu,on='user_id',how='inner')
# note: if we do left join there are some users in test data that are not in
# user data and we get NAN values for age.
(452867, 12)
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
0 | 315281 | 2015-12-03 | Direct | Web | ES | NaN | IE | 1 | 0 | M | 32 | Spain |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico |
# exclude Spain # it has only test group no control group
df = df[df.country !='Spain']
(401085, 12)
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
df[df.duplicated()] # no duplicate entries
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country |
df['user_id'].nunique() == df.shape[0] # unique user id
# date range of test and control
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'])
min | max | |
test | ||
0 | 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-04 |
1 | 2015-11-30 | 2015-12-04 |
array(['2015-12-04T00:00:00.000000000', '2015-12-03T00:00:00.000000000', '2015-11-30T00:00:00.000000000', '2015-12-02T00:00:00.000000000', '2015-12-01T00:00:00.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
df['date'].max() - df['date'].min() # we have data of just 4+1 days.
Timedelta('4 days 00:00:00')
count 401085 mean 2015-12-02 08:56:25.472904704 min 2015-11-30 00:00:00 25% 2015-12-01 00:00:00 50% 2015-12-03 00:00:00 75% 2015-12-04 00:00:00 max 2015-12-04 00:00:00 Name: date, dtype: object
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
df[['conversion','test','age']].corr(method='spearman').style.background_gradient() # look at conversion column
conversion | test | age | |
conversion | 1.000000 | -0.011656 | 0.000138 |
test | -0.011656 | 1.000000 | -0.001620 |
age | 0.000138 | -0.001620 | 1.000000 |
for col in df.columns.drop(['user_id','date']):
source ['Ads' 'Direct' 'SEO'] device ['Web' 'Mobile'] browser_language ['ES' 'Other' 'EN'] ads_channel ['Google' 'Facebook' nan 'Bing' 'Yahoo' 'Other'] browser ['IE' 'Android_App' 'FireFox' 'Chrome' 'Iphone_App' 'Safari' 'Opera'] conversion [0 1] test [1 0] sex ['M' 'F'] age [21 22 19 35 31 33 37 29 28 27 24 20 45 23 26 18 34 25 32 39 48 40 30 38 42 43 44 41 36 47 51 49 50 46 53 56 55 52 59 70 54 60 57 62 63 58 61 65 64 66] country ['Mexico' 'Venezuela' 'Bolivia' 'Colombia' 'Uruguay' 'El Salvador' 'Nicaragua' 'Peru' 'Costa Rica' 'Chile' 'Argentina' 'Ecuador' 'Guatemala' 'Honduras' 'Paraguay' 'Panama']
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
sns.FacetGrid(df, col='test').map(sns.countplot,'conversion',order=[0,1])
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fcb3128c0d0>
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcb31cafdd0>
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
================================================== Feature: **test** Overall Count: 1: 53.8% 0: 46.2% Total **conversion_1** distribution: 1: 51.14% 0: 48.86% Per test **conversion_1** distribution: 0: 4.83% 1: 4.34%
.plot.bar(color=sns.color_palette('husl',20),title='sample size (test+contro) for each country');
title='total converted cases per country');
title='mean conversion rate per country'
# highest average conversion rate: spain
# very low average: argentina and uruguay
# other latin american country are almost similar.
Note that there might be bias in sampling for spain vs other countries
and we may need to do t-test to confirm that.
# df.groupby(['country','test']).sum().reset_index()
# spain has no test group, it has only control group
================================================== Feature: **country** Overall Count: Mexico: 32.03% Colombia: 13.48% Argentina: 11.65% Peru: 8.39% Venezuela: 7.99% Chile: 4.92% Ecuador: 3.96% Guatemala: 3.77% Bolivia: 2.77% Honduras: 2.14% El Salvador: 2.04% Paraguay: 1.83% Nicaragua: 1.68% Costa Rica: 1.32% Uruguay: 1.03% Panama: 0.99% Total **conversion_1** distribution: Mexico: 35.31% Colombia: 15.15% Peru: 9.24% Venezuela: 8.69% Chile: 5.36% Ecuador: 4.26% Guatemala: 4.1% Argentina: 3.57% Bolivia: 2.95% Honduras: 2.3% El Salvador: 2.27% Nicaragua: 1.96% Paraguay: 1.96% Costa Rica: 1.55% Panama: 1.04% Uruguay: 0.29% Per country **conversion_1** distribution: Costa Rica: 5.35% Nicaragua: 5.34% Colombia: 5.13% El Salvador: 5.08% Peru: 5.03% Mexico: 5.03% Guatemala: 4.97% Chile: 4.97% Venezuela: 4.97% Honduras: 4.93% Ecuador: 4.91% Paraguay: 4.89% Bolivia: 4.86% Panama: 4.81% Argentina: 1.4% Uruguay: 1.28%
1. Spain does not have test group
2. dissimilar test and control group: argentina and uruguay
3. low conversion rate: argentina and uruguay
4. other latin american countries have almost same conversion rate.
control group higher conversion rate(red):
bolivia, columbia, el salvador, guatemala, hondurus, venezuala
test group higher conversion rate (green):
chile, costarica, mexico, nicaragua, panama, paraguay, peru, uruguay
conversion rate in control and test group are almost same.
Sample bias: Looking at argentina and uruguay we can see heavy sample imbalance,
this might mean our sample selection may be biased and we may need
to exclude these two country in the analysis part.
a) We can not validate the results due to huge sample bias in uruguay and argentina.
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
conversion | 0 | 1 |
country | ||
Argentina | 46079 | 654 |
Bolivia | 10583 | 541 |
Chile | 18756 | 981 |
Colombia | 51285 | 2775 |
Costa Rica | 5025 | 284 |
Ecuador | 15115 | 780 |
El Salvador | 7760 | 415 |
Guatemala | 14374 | 751 |
Honduras | 8146 | 422 |
Mexico | 122016 | 6468 |
Nicaragua | 6364 | 359 |
Panama | 3761 | 190 |
Paraguay | 6988 | 359 |
Peru | 31974 | 1692 |
Uruguay | 4081 | 53 |
Venezuela | 30462 | 1592 |
sample_sizes = df[['country','test','conversion']].groupby(['country','test'], as_index=False).count()
conversions = df[['country','test','conversion']].groupby(['country','test'],as_index=False).sum()
df1 = pd.merge(sample_sizes,conversions,on=['country','test'])
df1 = df1.rename(columns={'conversion_x':'sample_size','conversion_y':'conversion'})
df1['conversion_ratio'] = df1['conversion']/df1['sample_size']
country | test | sample_size | conversion | conversion_ratio | |
0 | Argentina | 0 | 9356 | 141 | 0.015071 |
1 | Argentina | 1 | 37377 | 513 | 0.013725 |
2 | Bolivia | 0 | 5550 | 274 | 0.049369 |
3 | Bolivia | 1 | 5574 | 267 | 0.047901 |
4 | Chile | 0 | 9853 | 474 | 0.048107 |
5 | Chile | 1 | 9884 | 507 | 0.051295 |
6 | Colombia | 0 | 27088 | 1411 | 0.052089 |
7 | Colombia | 1 | 26972 | 1364 | 0.050571 |
8 | Costa Rica | 0 | 2660 | 139 | 0.052256 |
9 | Costa Rica | 1 | 2649 | 145 | 0.054738 |
10 | Ecuador | 0 | 8036 | 395 | 0.049154 |
11 | Ecuador | 1 | 7859 | 385 | 0.048988 |
12 | El Salvador | 0 | 4108 | 220 | 0.053554 |
13 | El Salvador | 1 | 4067 | 195 | 0.047947 |
14 | Guatemala | 0 | 7622 | 386 | 0.050643 |
15 | Guatemala | 1 | 7503 | 365 | 0.048647 |
16 | Honduras | 0 | 4361 | 222 | 0.050906 |
17 | Honduras | 1 | 4207 | 200 | 0.047540 |
18 | Mexico | 0 | 64209 | 3178 | 0.049495 |
19 | Mexico | 1 | 64275 | 3290 | 0.051186 |
20 | Nicaragua | 0 | 3419 | 180 | 0.052647 |
21 | Nicaragua | 1 | 3304 | 179 | 0.054177 |
22 | Panama | 0 | 1966 | 92 | 0.046796 |
23 | Panama | 1 | 1985 | 98 | 0.049370 |
24 | Paraguay | 0 | 3650 | 177 | 0.048493 |
25 | Paraguay | 1 | 3697 | 182 | 0.049229 |
26 | Peru | 0 | 16869 | 842 | 0.049914 |
27 | Peru | 1 | 16797 | 850 | 0.050604 |
28 | Uruguay | 0 | 415 | 5 | 0.012048 |
29 | Uruguay | 1 | 3719 | 48 | 0.012907 |
30 | Venezuela | 0 | 16149 | 813 | 0.050344 |
31 | Venezuela | 1 | 15905 | 779 | 0.048978 |
# Argentina and Uruguay has very large difference between test and control size
# we should remove this from analysis.
country Argentina 28021 Uruguay 3304 Venezuela 244 Ecuador 177 Honduras 154 Guatemala 119 Colombia 116 Nicaragua 115 Peru 72 Mexico 66 Paraguay 47 El Salvador 41 Chile 31 Bolivia 24 Panama 19 Costa Rica 11 Name: sample_size, dtype: int64
array(['Argentina', 'Bolivia', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador', 'Guatemala', 'Honduras', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Uruguay', 'Venezuela'], dtype=object)
# for Argentina and Uruguay, the sample size are much different, drop them.
# For Spain, we are doing the A/B test, remove this from analysis.
df = df[~df['country'].isin(['Argentina','Uruguay','Spain'])]
array(['Bolivia', 'Chile', 'Colombia', 'Costa Rica', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador', 'Guatemala', 'Honduras', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Venezuela'], dtype=object)
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
count 350218 mean 2015-12-02 08:56:32.830751232 min 2015-11-30 00:00:00 25% 2015-12-01 00:00:00 50% 2015-12-03 00:00:00 75% 2015-12-04 00:00:00 max 2015-12-04 00:00:00 Name: date, dtype: object
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(12,8))
df.query("test == 1")[['date','conversion']].groupby('date').mean().plot(ax=ax,color='g')
df.query("test == 0")[['date','conversion']].groupby('date').mean().plot(ax=ax,color='r')
plt.title('Conversion Rates by Date')
We have only 5 days of data: Nov30, Dec1, Dec2, Dec3, and Dec4 of year 2015.
On first and last day we have large difference between conversion rates betweeen
control and test groups.
On date, Dec 2, and dec 4, we have higher conversion rate for test group
(with dec 3 having slightly less conversion rate). This might mean the A/B test
is working and test group might have higher conversion rate as time goes by.
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
IPython.OutputArea.auto_scroll_threshold = 9999;
for cat in ['source','device','browser_language','ads_channel','browser','sex']:
lower plot:
1. for a given age, mostly control group have more conversion rate.
2. the age 61 seems to be outlier;
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
65282 | 194408 | 2015-12-02 | Ads | Mobile | ES | Iphone_App | 0 | 0 | M | 61 | Mexico | |
91592 | 559580 | 2015-12-04 | SEO | Web | EN | NaN | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 61 | Ecuador |
276375 | 859504 | 2015-12-01 | Ads | Web | ES | Chrome | 0 | 0 | M | 61 | Chile | |
325023 | 959676 | 2015-11-30 | SEO | Web | ES | NaN | Safari | 0 | 0 | M | 61 | Mexico |
419907 | 183731 | 2015-11-30 | Ads | Web | ES | Bing | Chrome | 0 | 1 | M | 61 | Mexico |
# plt.ylim(0,5000)
# above the age of 49 there are less than 500 samples.
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fcb34e23fd0>
# What is the probability of an individual converting regardless of the test?
# Prob of conversion for each groups: treatment group and control group
# control group has slightly larger conversion rate than treatement group.
On average 4.8% control convert and 4.3% test group convert.
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
def get_fishers_exact_test(df):
table = pd.crosstab(df['test'], df['conversion']).to_numpy()
oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(table)
print(f'Fisher exact test p-value: {pvalue}')
if pvalue < 0.05:
print('Two groups are statistically different')
print('Two groups are NOT statistically different')
Fisher exact test p-value: 0.7220634320130839 Two groups are NOT statistically different
dfm = df.query("country == 'Mexico'")
Fisher exact test p-value: 0.16819684442263277 Two groups are NOT statistically different
from scipy import stats
df_fisher_exact = df.groupby('country').apply(lambda dfx:
)[1] # 0 is statistic and 1 is pvalue
df_fisher_exact.columns = ['Fishers_exact_pvalue']
df_fisher_exact['significant'] = df_fisher_exact['Fishers_exact_pvalue'] < 0.05
Fishers_exact_pvalue | significant | |
country | ||
Bolivia | 0.724576 | False |
Chile | 0.310034 | False |
Colombia | 0.424323 | False |
Costa Rica | 0.714544 | False |
Ecuador | 0.970720 | False |
El Salvador | 0.267651 | False |
Guatemala | 0.574713 | False |
Honduras | 0.484754 | False |
Mexico | 0.168197 | False |
Nicaragua | 0.786442 | False |
Panama | 0.710785 | False |
Paraguay | 0.913838 | False |
Peru | 0.783792 | False |
Venezuela | 0.589273 | False |
We get interesting result, if we take all the data and perform the
Fishers exact test for contingency table for converted and non-converted
before and after, our result was SIGNIFICANT.
Now, if we look at individual country, the test is not significant for
all of the countries. The observed imbalance is NOT statistically significant
at 5% level of confidence and it might simply be due to chance.
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico |
num_control = len(df[df.test == 0])
num_test = len(df[df.test == 1])
num_converted_control = len(df[(df.test == 0) & (df.conversion == 1)])
num_converted_test = len(df[(df.test == 1) & (df.conversion == 1)])
prop_control = num_converted_control/num_control # proportions
prop_test = num_converted_test/num_test
print(f'Number of control : {num_control:,}')
print(f'Number of test : {num_test:,}')
print(f'Number of Converted control : {num_converted_control:,}')
print(f'Number of Converted test : {num_converted_test:,}')
print(f'Converted control proportion : {prop_control:.2f}')
print(f'Converted test proportion : {prop_test:.2f}')
Number of control : 175,540 Number of test : 174,678 Number of Converted control : 8,803 Number of Converted test : 8,806 Converted control proportion : 0.05 Converted test proportion : 0.05
ser_control = df.loc[(df.test == 0), 'conversion'] # control series
ser_test = df.loc[(df.test == 1) ,'conversion'] # test series
pvalue = stats.ttest_ind(ser_control, ser_test, equal_var=False).pvalue
print(f'T-test p-value: {pvalue}')
if pvalue < 0.05:
print('Two groups are statistically different')
print('Two groups are NOT statistically different')
242005 0 362081 1 448747 0 221438 0 334631 0 Name: conversion, dtype: int64
T-test p-value: 0.7200849282884506 Two groups are NOT statistically different
from scipy import stats
# Test and control group has different number of samples
# Take N samples from each country and do t-test
SEED = 100
df_pvalues = pd.DataFrame(columns=['country', 'test_size', 'control_size',
for country in df.country.unique():
# countries
test_country = df.loc[(df['country'] == country) & (df['test'] == 1),'conversion']
control_country = df.loc[(df['country'] == country) & (df['test'] == 0),'conversion']
# sample countries
test_country_sample = test_country.sample(N_SAMPLES,random_state=SEED)
control_country_sample = control_country.sample(N_SAMPLES,random_state=SEED)
# test and control size
test_size = len(test_country)
control_size = len(control_country)
# test and control rate (mean)
test_country_mean = test_country.mean()
control_country_mean = control_country.mean()
test_country_sample_mean = test_country_sample.mean()
control_country_sample_mean = control_country_sample.mean()
# pvalue
p_value_full = stats.ttest_ind(test_country, control_country, equal_var=False).pvalue
p_value_sample = stats.ttest_ind(test_country_sample, control_country_sample, equal_var=False).pvalue
# dataframe
row = [country, test_size, control_size,
test_country_mean, control_country_mean, p_value_full,
test_country_sample_mean, control_country_sample_mean, p_value_sample]
df_pvalues.loc[len(df_pvalues)] = row
df_pvalues = df_pvalues.drop_duplicates()
country | test_size | control_size | test_rate_full | control_rate_full | p_value_full | test_rate_sample | control_rate_sample | p_value_sample | |
8 | Chile | 9884 | 9853 | 0.051295 | 0.048107 | 0.302848 | 0.0625 | 0.0350 | 0.071102 |
12 | Paraguay | 3697 | 3650 | 0.049229 | 0.048493 | 0.883697 | 0.0600 | 0.0375 | 0.139878 |
4 | El Salvador | 4067 | 4108 | 0.047947 | 0.053554 | 0.248127 | 0.0375 | 0.0550 | 0.239193 |
0 | Mexico | 64275 | 64209 | 0.051186 | 0.049495 | 0.165544 | 0.0500 | 0.0350 | 0.293590 |
5 | Nicaragua | 3304 | 3419 | 0.054177 | 0.052647 | 0.780400 | 0.0525 | 0.0700 | 0.302623 |
1 | Venezuela | 15905 | 16149 | 0.048978 | 0.050344 | 0.573702 | 0.0475 | 0.0625 | 0.352748 |
6 | Peru | 16797 | 16869 | 0.050604 | 0.049914 | 0.771953 | 0.0375 | 0.0500 | 0.388075 |
3 | Colombia | 26972 | 27088 | 0.050571 | 0.052089 | 0.423719 | 0.0425 | 0.0350 | 0.583170 |
13 | Panama | 1985 | 1966 | 0.049370 | 0.046796 | 0.705327 | 0.0500 | 0.0425 | 0.614077 |
9 | Ecuador | 7859 | 8036 | 0.048988 | 0.049154 | 0.961512 | 0.0625 | 0.0550 | 0.652445 |
2 | Bolivia | 5574 | 5550 | 0.047901 | 0.049369 | 0.718885 | 0.0425 | 0.0475 | 0.733424 |
10 | Guatemala | 7503 | 7622 | 0.048647 | 0.050643 | 0.572107 | 0.0425 | 0.0450 | 0.862977 |
11 | Honduras | 4207 | 4361 | 0.047540 | 0.050906 | 0.471463 | 0.0525 | 0.0500 | 0.872813 |
7 | Costa Rica | 2649 | 2660 | 0.054738 | 0.052256 | 0.687876 | 0.0350 | 0.0350 | 1.000000 |
def get_ttest(x,y):
return stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=False).pvalue
df_ttest = df.groupby(['country','test'])['conversion'].agg(['size','mean']
# test == 0 is control
df_ttest.columns = ['control_size','test_size','control_rate','test_rate']
df_ttest['pvalue'] = df.groupby('country').apply(lambda dfx: get_ttest(
dfx.loc[dfx.test == 0,'conversion'],
dfx.loc[dfx.test == 1,'conversion']))
df_ttest['is_test_rate_higher'] = df_ttest['test_rate'] > df_ttest['control_rate']
df_ttest['is_Ttest_significant'] = df_ttest['pvalue'] < 0.05
control_size | test_size | control_rate | test_rate | pvalue | is_test_rate_higher | is_Ttest_significant | |
country | |||||||
Mexico | 64209 | 64275 | 0.049495 | 0.051186 | 0.165544 | True | False |
El Salvador | 4108 | 4067 | 0.053554 | 0.047947 | 0.248127 | False | False |
Chile | 9853 | 9884 | 0.048107 | 0.051295 | 0.302848 | True | False |
Colombia | 27088 | 26972 | 0.052089 | 0.050571 | 0.423719 | False | False |
Honduras | 4361 | 4207 | 0.050906 | 0.047540 | 0.471463 | False | False |
Guatemala | 7622 | 7503 | 0.050643 | 0.048647 | 0.572107 | False | False |
Venezuela | 16149 | 15905 | 0.050344 | 0.048978 | 0.573702 | False | False |
Costa Rica | 2660 | 2649 | 0.052256 | 0.054738 | 0.687876 | True | False |
Panama | 1966 | 1985 | 0.046796 | 0.049370 | 0.705327 | True | False |
Bolivia | 5550 | 5574 | 0.049369 | 0.047901 | 0.718885 | False | False |
Peru | 16869 | 16797 | 0.049914 | 0.050604 | 0.771953 | True | False |
Nicaragua | 3419 | 3304 | 0.052647 | 0.054177 | 0.780400 | True | False |
Paraguay | 3650 | 3697 | 0.048493 | 0.049229 | 0.883697 | True | False |
Ecuador | 8036 | 7859 | 0.049154 | 0.048988 | 0.961512 | False | False |
Some countries show positive changes in test group than control group.
+ve change: ['Chile', 'Costa Rica', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay',
'Peru', 'Uruguay']
-ve change: ['Argentina', 'Bolivia', 'Colombia', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador',
'Guatemala', 'Honduras', 'Venezuela']
Result of t-test
H0: mean of two groups (converted or not) is same
H1: is not same
at 5% significace level the p-value for all the countries are not smaller than
0.05, this means we can not reject the null hypothesis and we conclude that
the mean of two groups are statistically same. The two groups are NOT different.
positive_change_countries = df_ttest.query("is_test_rate_higher==True").index
Index(['Chile', 'Costa Rica', 'Mexico', 'Nicaragua', 'Panama', 'Paraguay', 'Peru'], dtype='object', name='country')
negative_change_countries = df_ttest.index.drop(positive_change_countries)
Index(['Bolivia', 'Colombia', 'Ecuador', 'El Salvador', 'Guatemala', 'Honduras', 'Venezuela'], dtype='object', name='country')
import statsmodels.stats.api as sms
from statsmodels.stats.power import tt_ind_solve_power
effect_size = sms.proportion_effectsize(prop_control, prop_test)
# ratio = 1 means we want both samples to have same size
# power = 0.8 is commonly accepted power we want our anaylysis have
# power = 0.8 means there is 20% chance of Type II error (False Negative)
sample_size = sms.NormalIndPower().solve_power(effect_size, power=0.8,
alpha=0.05, ratio=1)
print(f'sample size required per group: {sample_size:,.0f}')
sample size required per group: 10,702,929
effect_size = sms.proportion_effectsize(prop_control, prop_test)
sample_size = tt_ind_solve_power(effect_size=effect_size, nobs1=None, alpha=0.05,
power=0.8, ratio=1, alternative='two-sided')
print(f'sample size required per group: {sample_size:,.0f}')
sample size required per group: 10,702,930
0 332609 1 17609 Name: conversion, dtype: int64
control group: 38k > 28k
test group: 18k < 28k (We can not get statistical power of 0.8)
Our analysis has smaller dataset, We need at least 28k persons in test group
to have the statistical power of 0.8.
Statistical power of 0.8 means, we have 20% chance of Type II error.
Type II error is False Negative. p-value is pessimistically large and we
do not reject the Null hypothesis when there is significant effect.
We should note that our data has only 5 days of conversion data,
the large required sample size means we need to continue A/B testing for
few months until we get the required amount of data.
Then, after few more months we should repeat the experiment to make
sure our analysis was correct and then implement the changes in real life.
Ref: http://rasbt.github.io/mlxtend/user_guide/evaluate/permutation_test/
Perform a two-sided permutation test to test the null hypothesis that two groups, "treatment" and "control" come from the same distribution. We specify alpha=0.05 as our significance level.
treatment = df.loc[df.test == 1, 'conversion']
control = df.loc[df.test == 0, 'conversion']
from mlxtend.evaluate import permutation_test
p_value = permutation_test(treatment, control,
0.7722772277227723 CPU times: user 836 ms, sys: 7.21 ms, total: 843 ms Wall time: 986 ms
conversion | 0 | 1 | All |
test | |||
0 | 166737 | 8803 | 175540 |
1 | 165872 | 8806 | 174678 |
All | 332609 | 17609 | 350218 |
1 8806 0 8803 Name: test, dtype: int64
0 8803 1 8806 Name: test, dtype: int64
counts = pd.crosstab(df['test'],df['conversion'])[1].to_numpy() # gives count of test 0 and 1 ie control and test
array([8803, 8806])
0 175540 1 174678 Name: test, dtype: int64
0 175540 1 174678 Name: test, dtype: int64
nobs = df['test'].value_counts().sort_index().to_numpy()
array([175540, 174678])
conversion | 0 | 1 | All |
test | |||
0 | 166737 | 8803 | 175540 |
1 | 165872 | 8806 | 174678 |
All | 332609 | 17609 | 350218 |
# counts = np.array([num_conversion_control, num_conversion_test])
# nobs = np.array([num_control, num_test])
import statsmodels.stats as sms
counts = df[df.conversion==1]['test'].value_counts().sort_index().to_numpy()
nobs = df['test'].value_counts().sort_index().to_numpy()
zscore, pvalue = sms.proportion.proportions_ztest(counts, nobs, alternative = 'two-sided')
print('zscore = {:.3f}, pvalue = {:.3f}'.format(zscore, pvalue))
zscore = -0.358, pvalue = 0.720
df_proportions_ztest = df.groupby('country').apply(lambda dfx:
)[1] # 0 is statistic and 1 is pvalue
df_proportions_ztest.columns = ['proportions_ztest_pvalue']
df_proportions_ztest['significant'] = df_proportions_ztest['proportions_ztest_pvalue'] < 0.05
proportions_ztest_pvalue | significant | |
country | ||
Bolivia | 0.718847 | False |
Chile | 0.302847 | False |
Colombia | 0.423724 | False |
Costa Rica | 0.687796 | False |
Ecuador | 0.961509 | False |
El Salvador | 0.248198 | False |
Guatemala | 0.572135 | False |
Honduras | 0.471663 | False |
Mexico | 0.165545 | False |
Nicaragua | 0.780312 | False |
Panama | 0.705275 | False |
Paraguay | 0.883682 | False |
Peru | 0.771942 | False |
Venezuela | 0.573726 | False |
# sanity check for a country
country = 'Peru'
counts = df.query("country == @country and conversion == 1")['test'].value_counts().sort_index().to_numpy()
nobs = df.query("country == @country ")['test'].value_counts().sort_index().to_numpy()
zscore, pvalue = sms.proportion.proportions_ztest(counts, nobs, alternative = 'two-sided')
print('zscore = {:.3f}, pvalue = {:.6f}'.format(zscore, pvalue))
zscore = -0.290, pvalue = 0.771942
We will add an intercept column and use regression modelling.
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
df['intercept'] = 1
user_id | date | source | device | browser_language | ads_channel | browser | conversion | test | sex | age | country | intercept | |
1 | 497851 | 2015-12-04 | Ads | Web | ES | IE | 0 | 1 | M | 21 | Mexico | 1 | |
3 | 290051 | 2015-12-03 | Ads | Mobile | Other | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Mexico | 1 | |
4 | 548435 | 2015-11-30 | Ads | Web | ES | FireFox | 0 | 1 | M | 19 | Mexico | 1 | |
5 | 540675 | 2015-12-03 | Direct | Mobile | ES | NaN | Android_App | 0 | 1 | F | 22 | Venezuela | 1 |
6 | 863394 | 2015-12-04 | SEO | Mobile | Other | NaN | Android_App | 0 | 0 | M | 35 | Mexico | 1 |
model = sm.Logit(df['conversion'], df[['intercept','test']])
results = model.fit()
Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 0.199339 Iterations 7
Dep. Variable: | conversion | No. Observations: | 350218 |
Model: | Logit | Df Residuals: | 350216 |
Method: | MLE | Df Model: | 1 |
Date: | Tue, 11 May 2021 | Pseudo R-squ.: | 9.197e-07 |
Time: | 22:27:45 | Log-Likelihood: | -69812. |
converged: | True | LL-Null: | -69812. |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust | LLR p-value: | 0.7201 |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
intercept | -2.9413 | 0.011 | -268.959 | 0.000 | -2.963 | -2.920 |
test | 0.0055 | 0.015 | 0.358 | 0.720 | -0.025 | 0.036 |
# Include more variables
Adding more features have its own advantages and disadvantages:
we might get the better fit
model complexity increases, chances of overfitting increases.
features may be correlated in themselves, which harms the fitting.
# add the effect of countries
df1 = pd.get_dummies(df[['conversion', 'intercept', 'test', 'country']]
conversion | intercept | test | country_Chile | country_Colombia | country_Costa Rica | country_Ecuador | country_El Salvador | country_Guatemala | country_Honduras | country_Mexico | country_Nicaragua | country_Panama | country_Paraguay | country_Peru | country_Venezuela | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
model = sm.Logit(df1['conversion'], df1.drop('conversion',axis=1))
results = model.fit()
Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 0.199330 Iterations 7
Dep. Variable: | conversion | No. Observations: | 350218 |
Model: | Logit | Df Residuals: | 350203 |
Method: | MLE | Df Model: | 14 |
Date: | Tue, 11 May 2021 | Pseudo R-squ.: | 4.614e-05 |
Time: | 22:27:47 | Log-Likelihood: | -69809. |
converged: | True | LL-Null: | -69812. |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust | LLR p-value: | 0.9541 |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
intercept | -2.9764 | 0.045 | -66.499 | 0.000 | -3.064 | -2.889 |
test | 0.0056 | 0.015 | 0.359 | 0.720 | -0.025 | 0.036 |
country_Chile | 0.0229 | 0.055 | 0.417 | 0.677 | -0.085 | 0.131 |
country_Colombia | 0.0568 | 0.048 | 1.180 | 0.238 | -0.038 | 0.151 |
country_Costa Rica | 0.1004 | 0.075 | 1.334 | 0.182 | -0.047 | 0.248 |
country_Ecuador | 0.0095 | 0.057 | 0.165 | 0.869 | -0.103 | 0.122 |
country_El Salvador | 0.0451 | 0.067 | 0.674 | 0.500 | -0.086 | 0.176 |
country_Guatemala | 0.0218 | 0.058 | 0.378 | 0.706 | -0.091 | 0.135 |
country_Honduras | 0.0134 | 0.067 | 0.201 | 0.841 | -0.117 | 0.144 |
country_Mexico | 0.0363 | 0.046 | 0.791 | 0.429 | -0.054 | 0.126 |
country_Nicaragua | 0.0985 | 0.070 | 1.410 | 0.159 | -0.038 | 0.236 |
country_Panama | -0.0118 | 0.086 | -0.137 | 0.891 | -0.181 | 0.158 |
country_Paraguay | 0.0049 | 0.070 | 0.071 | 0.944 | -0.132 | 0.142 |
country_Peru | 0.0346 | 0.051 | 0.683 | 0.495 | -0.065 | 0.134 |
country_Venezuela | 0.0221 | 0.051 | 0.434 | 0.665 | -0.078 | 0.122 |
** Now the test column becomes NON significant (p-value < 0.05)
also country Uruguay is insignificant.
** Test group has NO effect on conversion, when we consider the effects of
countries. Which we had already seen in country-wise t-test and fisher_exact_test.
1. We have such a small duration of experiment, just 4 days.
This may not be sufficient to make decisions.
2. If considered overall data, conversion is significant on both
t-test and fisher exact test.
But, if we look at individual countries, for all the countries the test fails.
Country seems to be the cofounding feature.
** If we have large number of days of observation, we could see the effects
of weekends and holidays on test group clicks.
time_taken = time.time() - time_start_notebook
h,m = divmod(time_taken,60*60)
print('Time taken to run whole notebook: {:.0f} hr '\
'{:.0f} min {:.0f} secs'.format(h, *divmod(m,60)))
Time taken to run whole notebook: 0 hr 1 min 3 secs