
In this project, I took the data from Analytics Vidhya Hackathon: Identify the sentiments. This is an online competition platform for data science projects and in this NLP project I achieved the position on 12th among thousands of participants.

Example tweet: #fingerprint #Pregnancy Test #android #apps #beautiful #cute #health #igers #iphoneonly #iphonesia #iphone Cleaned text: fingerprint pregnancy test android aps beautiful cute health igers iphoneonly iphonesia iphone hashtags: #fingerprint #Pregnancy #android #apps #beautiful #cute #health #igers #iphoneonly #iphonesia #iphone We have 7920 training tweets. We also have 1953 test tweets without label. (we need to upload the test predictions to get the weighted F1 score.)

Model Comparisons

Notebook Valid F1 Test F1
b01_sentiment_analysis_modelling_bow_word2vec_tfidf 0.885101
b02_sentiment_analysis_modelling_tfidf 0.876263
--- --- ---
c01_sentiment_analysis_ktrain 0.88
c01b_sentiment_analysis_ktrain_neptune 0.924609 0.907575
c01c_sentiment_analysis_ktrain_neptune_hpo 0.917368 0.877973
--- --- ---
d01_sentiment_analysis_keras_lstm 0.860 0.83785
d02_sentiment_analysis_keras_gru_gbru 0.871895
--- --- ---
e01_sentiment_analysis_small_data_transformers_distilbert_torch 0.9120
e02_sentiment_analysis_transformers_distilbert_keras 0.663583
e03_sentiment_analysis_bert_tf2 0.884748
e03b_sentiment_analysis_bert_tf2_neptune 0.8787

Text Analysis and Visualization

Classical Methods

Deep Learning: LSTM, GRU

Advanced method: Using module ktrain

(X_train, y_train), (X_valid, y_valid), preproc = \ ktrain.text.texts_from_df(df_train, text_column=maincol, label_columns=[target], random_state=SEED, ngram_range=1, max_features=20000, val_df = None, # if not 10% of train is used maxlen=500, preprocess_mode='bert') model = ktrain.text.text_classifier(name='bert', train_data=(X_train, y_train), metrics=['accuracy'], preproc=preproc) learner = ktrain.get_learner(model=model, train_data=(X_train, y_train), val_data=(X_valid, y_valid), batch_size=6) predictor = ktrain.get_predictor(learner.model, preproc) test_preds = predictor.predict(X_test,return_proba=False) best_so_far = """ bert lr=2e-5 epochs=5 ngram_range=1 maxlen=300 f1 = 0.908687336005899 n_gram=2 gave worse result tweet_clean_emoji gave worse result bert lr=2e-5 epochs=5 ngram_range=1 maxlen=400 f1 = 0.908265806079951 bert lr=2e-5 epochs=5 ngram_range=1 maxlen=300 maincol=tweet_clean f1=0.877973006703751 """

Advanced Method: Using module simpletransformers

from simpletransformers.classification import ClassificationModel model_type = 'xlnet' model_name = 'xlnet-base-cased' model = ClassificationModel(model_type, model_name, args=train_args) model.train_model(df_train, eval_df=None) test_preds, _, = model.predict(df_test['tweet'].to_numpy()) # Here, train_args is following: train_args = { "reprocess_input_data": True, "overwrite_output_dir": True, "use_cached_eval_features": True, "output_dir": f"outputs/{model_type}", "best_model_dir": f"outputs/{model_type}/best_model", "train_batch_size": 128, # it was 128 "max_seq_length": 128, # 256 gives OOM "num_train_epochs": 3, # evaluation "evaluate_during_training": False, "evaluate_during_training_steps": 1000, "save_model_every_epoch": False, "save_eval_checkpoints": False, "eval_batch_size": 64, "gradient_accumulation_steps": 1, } train_args["wandb_project"] = "sentiment-analysis" train_args["wandb_kwargs"] = {"name": model_name} if model_type == "xlnet": train_args["train_batch_size"] = 64 train_args["gradient_accumulation_steps"] = 2

Text Modelling Using GRU

# data mycol = 'tweet_clean' mylstcol = 'tweet_lst_clean' X_train = [i for i in df_Xtrain[mylstcol]] # list of list X_valid = [i for i in df_Xvalid[mylstcol]] X_test = [i for i in df_test[mylstcol]] # get unique words unq_words = set() maxlen = 0 for lst in tqdm(X_train): unq_words.update(lst) maxlen = len(lst) if maxlen < len(lst) else maxlen # tokenization from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer num_words = len(unq_words) tokenizer = Tokenizer(num_words=num_words) tokenizer.fit_on_texts(X_train) X_train = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_train) X_valid = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_valid) X_test = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(X_test) # sequence from keras.preprocessing import sequence X_train = sequence.pad_sequences(X_train, maxlen=maxlen) X_valid = sequence.pad_sequences(X_valid, maxlen=maxlen) X_test = sequence.pad_sequences(X_test, maxlen=maxlen) # modelling from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from neptunecontrib.monitoring.keras import NeptuneMonitor early_stopping = EarlyStopping(min_delta = 0.001, mode = 'max', monitor='val_acc', patience=10) callbacks = [early_stopping,NeptuneMonitor()] # params # parameters PARAMS = {'epoch_nr': 5, 'batch_size': 256, 'lr': 0.001, 'dropout': 0.2} # model model = Sequential() # input_dim=num_words and output_dim=300 model.add(Embedding(num_words,300, input_length=maxlen)) model.add(GRU(units=128, dropout=PARAMS['dropout'], recurrent_dropout=PARAMS['dropout'], return_sequences=True)) model.add(GRU(64, dropout=PARAMS['dropout'], recurrent_dropout=PARAMS['dropout'], return_sequences=False)) model.add(Dense(100,activation='relu')) model.add(Dropout(PARAMS['dropout'])) model.add(Dense(1,activation='sigmoid')) # for multiclass: dense=(num_classes,softmax) and loss=sparse_xentropy model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=Adam(lr=PARAMS['lr']), metrics=['accuracy']) model.summary() # fitting history =, y_train, validation_data=(X_valid, y_valid), epochs=PARAMS['epoch_nr'], batch_size=PARAMS['batch_size'], verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks ) valid_preds = model.predict_classes(X_valid) valid_preds = valid_preds.squeeze().tolist()