Bhishan Poudel, Ph.D. Physics

Data Scientist

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I have a Ph.D. degree in Physics from Ohio University, USA. As a Masters student in 2014, I designed and maintained astronomical image processing tool called jedisim which helped me learn the concepts of OOP, GitHub version control, continuous integration, unit testing, code debugging, documentation (Sphinx and ReadTheDocs) and various other software development skills. During my 6 years of Ph.D. program and doing multiple MOOC courses, to facilitate my day-to-day data science tasks, I developed my own python package (bp) which helps plotting pandas DataFrame, statistical analysis, time-series visualization, and other miscellaneous plots.

In my graduate research, I worked on galaxy shear measurement project where given the image of galaxies I sought to determine ellipticity of the galaxy using various machine learning and deep learning techniques. This Ph.D. research helped me learn many statistical concepts, visualization tools, machine learning and deep-learning skills.

Bhishan Poudel

(NOTE: For my data science projects, click on MYProjects tab.)



Python (pandas, sklearn, matplotlib)

Medium :

SQL, Bash, Git


C,C++,R, Tableau


Jira, AWS, GCP
